Judges McMorris, Tiras and 25 others receive Nevada educational award


Judges McMorris, Tiras and 25 others receive Nevada educational award

by Paula Peterson

Thursday, April 26, 2018 - 11:40am


Michael S. Sommermeyer, Nevada Office of the Courts

Twenty-seven Nevada judges have received awards for educational achievements earned through judicial education. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provides judges continuing education programs to ensure a competent and professional judiciary.

“Nevada citizens deserve to feel confident their judges hand down the best decisions,” said Chief Justice Michael L. Douglas. “These awards demonstrate a commitment by Nevada judges to obtain knowledge about changes in the law and judicial practices.”

The honored judges represent limited jurisdiction courts, general jurisdiction courts, and appellate courts.

Two Supreme Court Justices and a Senior Justice received Outstanding Achievement in Judicial Education Awards for having completed 1,000 hours of judicial education. The AOC awarded Chief Justice Michael L. Douglas, Justice Michael A. Cherry, and Senior Justice Deborah Agosti with this award.

Five judges received Distinguished Judicial Education Awards for achieving 640 hours of education. The limited jurisdiction judges receiving the award were: Judge Elizabeth Chabot, Paradise Valley Justice Court; Judge Teri Feasel, Carlin Justice / Municipal Courts; Judge Steven McMorris, East Fork Justice Court; and, Senior Judge Barbara Nethery, Elko Township Justice / Municipal Courts. The general jurisdiction judge receiving the award was Judge Jerome Polaha, Second Judicial District Court.

The AOC presented 14 judges Advanced Judicial Education Awards for earning 440 hours of education credits. They are Senior Judge James Anderson, Austin Township Justice Court, Judge Darryll Dodenbier, Bunkerville Township Justice Court, Judge Michael Lister, Fallon Municipal Court, Judge Patricia Lynch, Reno Justice Court, Judge Mike Richards, New River Township Justice Court, Judge E. Alan Tiras, Incline Village Justice Court, Judge Ryan Toone, Mesquite Township Justice Court, Judge Camille Vecchiarelli, Dayton Township Justice Court, Judge Ann Zimmerman, Las Vegas Township Justice Court, Presiding Judge Bridget Robb, Second Judicial District Court, and Judges Michelle Leavitt, William Potter, Gloria Sturman, and Jennifer Togliatti, of the Eighth Judicial District Court.

Judicial Education Awards for 240 hours of judicial education went to five judges, including Judge Brian Boatman, East Line Township Justice / West Wendover Municipal Courts, Judge Letty Norcutt, Union Township Justice Court, Judge James Spoo, Sparks Municipal Court, Judge William “Bill” Kephart, Eighth Judicial District Court, and Judge John Schlegelmilch, Third Judicial District Court.


Dayton Judge Camille Vecchiarelli presented Judge of the Year award

Judge Camille Vecchiarelli, Justice of the Peace, Dayton Township Justice Court, was honored with the 2015 Judge of the Year award, which was presented at the Nevada Judges Limited Jurisdiction seminar in Mesquite.

ncs-importTuesday, February 10, 2015

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Judge Camille Vecchiarelli, Justice of the Peace, Dayton Township Justice Court, was honored with the 2015 Judge of the Year award, which was presented at the Nevada Judges Limited Jurisdiction seminar in Mesquite.

The award was formally given to Judge Vecchiarelli by last year’s honoree, Judge Alan Tiras of the Incline Village Township Justice Court. Vecchiarelli will pass on the honor to the next Nevada Judge of the Year.

In her acceptance speech, Judge Vecchiarelli said that she was humbled and honored to receive the award. She also stated, “I am speechless and for those who know me, that is a hard thing to do.”

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, James Hardesty, also presented Vecchiarelli and 10 other Nevada judges with Certificates of Achievement in Judicial Education.


Justice of the Peace data was recently added and is going through continuous auditing; please be patient as we curate this data.

Vecchiarelli, Camille Marie

Dayton Justice Court

Dept.: 1

Justice Of The Peace


Cases   0

Videos   0


Articles   2


Endorsements   0

Appointed Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the Dayton Justice Court on Jan 20, 2009.

 Served to completion on Jan 3, 2011.

Elected Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the Dayton Justice Court on Jan 3, 2011.

 Served to completion on Jan 7, 2013.

Elected Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the Dayton Justice Court on Jan 7, 2013.

 Served to completion on Jan 7, 2019.

Elected Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the Dayton Justice Court on Jan 7, 2019.

 This term ends on Jan 6, 2025.

Elected Justice Of The Peace to Dept. 1 of the Dayton Justice Court on Jan 6, 2025.

 This term ends on Jan 6, 2031.


AI Overview

Learn more

Both "Evan" and "Jean" are variations of the name "John" and ultimately derive from the Hebrew name "Yochanan," meaning "God is gracious"; "Evan" is a Welsh variation while "Jean" is the French version, essentially sharing the same core meaning of "God is gracious.". 


Evan: A Welsh form of "John," meaning "God is gracious". 

Jean: The French version of "John," also signifying "God is gracious". 

Key points:

Origin: Both names stem from the Hebrew name "Yochanan".

Language variations: "Evan" is Welsh, while "Jean" is French.

Meaning: Both names essentially mean "God is gracious". 

Generative AI is experimental. 

Evan Wyman

in Dayton, NV (Nevada)

Age 27

Current Address (Since January 2020)

2033 Lonnie Ln

Dayton NV 89403

Jean Rae Malone's Nevada Voter Registration

Dayton, Nevada

Jean Rae Malone (age 66) is listed at 2030 Lonnie Ln Dayton, Nv 89403 and is affiliated with the Non-Partisan Party. Jean is registered to vote in Lyon County, Nevada.


Overview of Jean Rae Malone

Lives in:  Dayton, Nevada

Phone: View phone number Ad

Age:  66

Jean Malone's Voter Registration

Party Affiliation: Non-Partisan

Registered to Vote In:  Lyon County, Nevada 

Registration Date:  12/18/2023

Voter Status: ActivePrecinct: 13.00

Congressional District: Cd2

House District: Ad39

Senate District: Sd17

School Board District: Ed2






Hi how you doing I have a favor to ask you could you tell Billy to take my info off his wall it really upset me that my kids names were all there even Shay no one cares who I am but I do l cried when I saw my boys name on there I haven't done anything to him I am only asking once if he won't take it off I will file a police report on him I don't think he will want that they can come and go thru his phone and computer so can you at least ask him thanks we tried to help you but you just ignored us so you are on your own to deal with him we're all done trying to help anymore so please see what you can do






Frances & Bowles




Susan Lohrey Dunn's Nevada Voter Registration

Dayton, Nevada

Susan Lohrey Dunn (age 73) is listed at 2031 Lonnie Ln Dayton, Nv 89403 and is affiliated with the Republican Party. Susan is registered to vote in Lyon County, Nevada.

Overview of Susan Lohrey Dunn

Lives in:  Dayton, Nevada

Phone: View phone number Ad

Age:  73

Susan Dunn's Voter Registration

Party Affiliation: Republican Party

Registered to Vote In:  Lyon County, Nevada 

Registration Date:  05/28/2015

Voter Status: ActivePrecinct: 13.00

Congressional District: Cd2

House District: Ad39

Senate District: Sd17

School Board District: Ed2



Another general rule for predicting oppositions of Mars is from the following: the planet has an approximate 15.8-year periodic opposition cycle, which consists of three or four Aphelic oppositions and three consecutive Perihelic oppositions. Perihelic oppositions are also called "favorable" because the Earth and Mars come closest to each other on those occasions. We sometimes refer to this as the seven Martian synodic periods. This cycle is repeated every 79 years (± 4 to 5 days) and, if one were to live long enough, one would see this cycle nearly replicated in approximately 284 years. The 2031 Mars apparition is considered Transitional (between Aphelic and Perihelic) because the orbital longitude at opposition will be 68.4° from the aphelion longitude of 70° Ls and 111.6° Ls from perihelion (250° Ls).

NOTE: Ls is the planetocentric longitude of the Sun along the ecliptic of Mars’ sky. 0° Ls is defined as that point where the Sun crosses the Martian celestial equator from south to north, that is the planet’s northern hemisphere vernal equinox. The other Ls values that define the beginnings of Martian northern hemisphere seasons are: summer, 90° Ls; autumn, 180° Ls; and winter, 270° Ls. For Mars’ southern hemisphere these values represent the opposite seasons. Distance (A.U.) - Distance from Earth to Mars in astronomical units, where one (1) A.U. equals 92,955,807.267 miles or 149,597,870.691 km.

Opposition occurs 11 months after conjunction when Mars is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. At that time, the two planets will lie nearly in a straight line with respect to the Sun, or five weeks after retrogression begins. Opposition will occur at 1157 UT on May 04, 2031 (138.4° Ls) with an apparent planetary disk diameter of 16.7 arcsec. Mars will remain visible for more than twelve months after opposition and then become lost in the glare of the Sun around May 31, 2032 as it approaches the next conjunction (July 11, 2032). The cycle is complete in 780 Earth days.

Closest approach occurs at 0350 UT on May 12, 2031 (142.1° Ls) with an apparent planetary disk diameter of 16.9 at a distance of 0.5533578 astronomical units (AU) or 51,437,823 miles (82,781,152 km). During closest approach in 2031 the apparent diameter of Mars will be 2.4 arcsec larger than it was at the same period in 2029; however, it will be 17.1 degrees lower in the sky - not quite as good for observing the Red Planet for observers in the northern hemisphere. It should also be noted that closest approach between Earth and Mars is not necessarily coincident with the time of opposition but varies by as much as two weeks.


Grammar - Conjunction Junction - Schoolhouse Rock

With lyrics by Bob Dorough, Jack Sheldon providing lead vocal and Terry Morrell backing vocal, "Conjunction Junction" is another great "Schoolhouse Rock!" short animated musical that entertains while educating about the importance of "hooking up words and phrases and clauses" with and, but, or. The leading character is a train conductor who has those words printed on the side of the train cars.


Philalethes, who in his Entrke ouverte au Palais ferd du Roi has dealt at greatest length on the practice of the Work, mentions the hermetic star and infers the cosmic magic of its appearance. 

'It is the miracle of the world, the assembly of superior virtues in the inferior ones. That is why the Almighty has marked it with an extraordinary sign. The Wise Men saw it in the east, were struck with amazement and knew at once that a King most pure had been born into the the world. 

'As for you, as soon as you see his star, follow it to the Cradle, where you will see the lovely Child." Then the Adept reveals the manner of operating : 

'Let four parts be taken of our fiery dragon, which hides our Preface to the Second Edition 15 magic steel in its belly, and nine parts of our lodestone; mix them together, by burning Vulcan, in the form of mineral water, on which a scum will float which must be removed. Throw away th crust, take the inner part, purge three times, by fire and by salt, which will be done easily if Saturn has seen his image in the mirror of Mars.' 

Finally Philalethes adds : 

'And the Almighty sets his royal seal on the Work and adorns it specially therewith.'


Mystery of the Cathedrals


Fire as the agent of Truth

Asha Vahishta is closely associated with fire. Fire is "grandly conceived as a force informing all the other Amesha Spentas, giving them warmth and the spark of life."[27] In Yasht 17.20, Angra Mainyu clamours that Zoroaster burns him with Asha Vahishta. In Vendidad 4.54-55, speaking against the truth and violating the sanctity of promise is detected by the consumption of "water, blazing, of golden color, having the power to detect guilt."

This analogy of truth that burns and detecting truth through fire is already attested in the very earliest texts, that is, in the Gathas and in the Yasna Haptanghaiti. In Yasna 43–44, Ahura Mazda dispenses justice through radiance of His fire and the strength of aṣ̌a. Fire "detects" sinners "by hand-grasping" (Yasna 34.4). An individual who has passed the fiery test (garmo-varah, ordeal by heat), has attained physical and spiritual strength, wisdom, truth and love with serenity (Yasna 30.7). Altogether, "there are said to have been some 30 kinds of fiery tests in all."[28] According to the post-Sassanid Dadestan i denig (I.31.10), at the final judgement a river of molten metal will cover the earth. The righteous, as they wade through this river, will perceive the molten metal as a bath of warm milk. The wicked will be scorched. For details on aṣ̌a's role in personal and final judgement, see aṣ̌a in eschatology, below.

Fire is moreover the "auxiliary of the truth," "and not only, as in the ordeal, of justice and of truth at the same time."[11] In Yasna 31.19, "the man who thinks of aṣ̌a, [...] who uses his tongue in order to speak correctly, [does so] with the aid of brilliant fire". In Yasna 34-44 devotees "ardently desire [Mazda's] mighty fire, through aṣ̌a." In Yasna 43–44, Ahura Mazda "shall come to [Zoroaster] through the splendour of [Mazda's] fire, possessing the strength of (through) aṣ̌a and good mind (=Vohu Manah)." That fire "possesses strength through aṣ̌a" is repeated again in Yasna 43.4. In Yasna 43.9, Zoroaster, wishing to serve fire, gives his attention to aṣ̌a. In Yasna 37.1, in a list of what are otherwise all physical creations, aṣ̌a takes the place of fire.

Asha Vahishta's association with atar is carried forward in the post-Gathic texts, and they are often mentioned together. In Zoroastrian cosmogony, each of the Amesha Spentas represents one aspect of creation and one of seven primordial elements that in Zoroastrian tradition are the basis of that creation. In this matrix, aṣ̌a/arta is the origin of fire, Avestan atar, which permeates through all Creation. The correspondence then is that aṣ̌a/arta "penetrates all ethical life, as fire penetrates all physical being."[12]

In the liturgy Asha Vahishta is frequently invoked together with fire. (Yasna l.4, 2.4, 3.6, 4.9, 6.3, 7.6, 17.3, 22.6, 59.3, 62.3 etc.). In one passage, fire is a protector of aṣ̌a: "when the Evil Spirit assailed the creation of Good Truth, Good Thought and Fire intervened" (Yasht 13.77)

In later Zoroastrian tradition, Asha Vahishta is still at times identified with the fire of the household hearth.


The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the late Spring and Autumn period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ("Master Sun"), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a different set of skills or art related to warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years, it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalized as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare,[1] has influenced both East Asian and Western military theory and thinking, and has found a variety of applications in myriad competitive non-military endeavors across the modern world including espionage,[2] culture, politics, business, and sports.[3][4][5][6]

The book contains a detailed explanation and analysis of the 5th-century BC Chinese military, from weapons, environmental conditions, and strategy to rank and discipline. Sun also stressed the importance of intelligence operatives and espionage to the war effort. Considered one of history's finest military tacticians and analysts, his teachings and strategies formed the basis of advanced military training throughout the world.

The book was translated into French and published in 1772 by the French priest Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot; it was re-published in 1782. A partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910.[7] Military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, Japanese daimyō Takeda Shingen, Vietnamese general Võ Nguyên Giáp, is cited along with American military generals Douglas MacArthur and Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. as having drawn inspiration from the book.[8]

Outside of military use, The Art of War has also become a source of inspiration in business, politics, sports and esports, and its usage has extended to film and television.


Text and commentaries

The Art of War is traditionally attributed to an ancient Chinese military general known as Sun Tzu (pinyin: Sūnzǐ), meaning 'Master Sun'. Sun Tzu is said to have lived in the 6th century BC, but the earliest parts of The Art of War probably date to at least 100 years later.[9]

Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian, the first of China's 24 dynastic histories, records an early Chinese tradition that a text on military matters was written by one "Sun Wu" (孫武) from the State of Qi, and that this text had been read and studied by King Helü of Wu (r. 514–495 BC).[10] This text was traditionally identified with the received Master Sun's Art of War. The conventional view was that Sun Wu was a military theorist from the end of the Spring and Autumn period (776–471 BC) who fled his home state of Qi to the southeastern Kingdom of Wu, where he is said to have impressed the king with his ability to quickly train even court women in military discipline and to have made Wu's armies powerful enough to challenge their western rivals in the state of Chu. This view is still widely held in China.[11]

The strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the Art of War.[10] Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically.[10] The Art of War appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely.[10]


Fragments of The Art of War discovered as a part of the Yinqueshan Han Slips, showing the version of The Art of War that was popular in Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD)

Beginning around the 12th century, Sun Tzu's historical existence began to be questioned by Chinese scholars, primarily on the grounds that he is not mentioned in the historical classic Zuo Zhuan, which mentions most of the notable figures from the Spring and Autumn period.[10] The name "Sun Wu" (孫武) does not appear in any text prior to the Records of the Grand Historian,[12] and has been suspected to be a made-up descriptive cognomen meaning "the fugitive warrior", glossing the surname "Sun" as the related term "fugitive" (xùn 遜), while "Wu" (wǔ 武) is (1) the ancient Chinese virtue of "martial, valiant" and (2) a Jianghuai dialectal synonym of 士; shì "knight",[13][14] which corresponds to Sunzi's role as the hero's doppelgänger in the story of Wu Zixu.[15] In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sun Tzu's purported descendant Sun Bin, as a number of historical sources mention a military treatise he wrote.[10] Unlike Sun Wu, Sun Bin appears to have been an actual person who was a genuine authority on military matters, and may have been the inspiration for the creation of the historical figure "Sun Tzu" through a form of euhemerism.[15]

In 1972, the Yinqueshan Han slips were discovered in two Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) tombs near the city of Linyi in Shandong.[16] Among the many bamboo slip writings contained in the tombs, which had been sealed between 134 and 118 BC, respectively were two separate texts, one attributed to "Sun Tzu", corresponding to the received text, and another attributed to Sun Bin, which explains and expands upon the earlier The Art of War by Sunzi.[17] The Sun Bin text's material overlaps with much of the "Sun Tzu" text, and the two may be "a single, continuously developing intellectual tradition united under the Sun name".[18] This discovery showed that much of the historical confusion was due to the fact that there were two texts that could have been referred to as "Master Sun's Art of War", not one.[17] The content of the earlier text is about one-third of the chapters of the modern The Art of War, and their text matches very closely.[16] It is now generally accepted that the earlier The Art of War was completed sometime between 500 and 430 BC.[17]

The 13 chapters

The Art of War is divided into 13 chapters (or piān); the collection is referred to as being one zhuàn ("whole" or alternatively "chronicle").

The Art of War chapter names and contents

Chapter Lionel Giles (1910)[19] R. L. Wing (1988) Ralph D. Sawyer (1996) Chow-Hou Wee (2003) Michael Nylan (2020) Contents

I Laying Plans The Calculations Initial Estimations Detail Assessment and Planning

(Chinese: 始計; pinyin: shîjì) First Calculations Explores the five fundamental factors (the Way, seasons, terrain, leadership, and management) and seven elements (which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the way or moral law, which side’s general is more capable, which side has superior in right time and right place, which side's laws and regulations can be enforced more strictly, which side has more resources, better equipment and stronger army, which side's officers and men are more well-trained and more capable of fighting, which side's rewards and punishments are more fair and clear) that determine the outcomes of military engagements. By thinking, assessing and comparing these points, a commander can calculate his chances of victory. Habitual deviation from these calculations will ensure failure via improper action. The text stresses that war is a very grave matter for the state and must not be commenced without due consideration.

II Waging War The Challenge Waging War Waging War

(Chinese: 作戰; pinyin: zuòzhàn) Initiating Battle Explains how to understand the economy of warfare and how success requires winning decisive engagements quickly. This section advises that successful military campaigns require limiting the cost of competition and conflict.

III Attack by Stratagem The Plan of Attack Planning Offensives Strategic Attack

(Chinese: 謀攻) Planning an Attack Defines the source of strength as unity, not size, and discusses the five factors that are needed to succeed in any war. In order of importance, these critical factors are: Attack, Strategy, Alliances, Army and Cities.

IV Tactical Dispositions Positioning Military Disposition Disposition of the Army

(Chinese: 軍形) Forms to Perceive Explains the importance of defending existing positions until a commander is capable of advancing from those positions in safety. It teaches commanders the importance of recognizing strategic opportunities, and teaches not to create opportunities for the enemy.

V Use of Energy Directing Strategic Military Power Forces

(Chinese: 兵勢) The Disposition of Power Explains the use of creativity and timing in building an army's momentum.

VI Weak Points and Strong Illusion and Reality Vacuity and Substance Weaknesses and Strengths

(Chinese: 虛實) Weak and Strong Explains how an army's opportunities come from the openings in the environment caused by the relative weakness of the enemy and how to respond to changes in the fluid battlefield over a given area.

VII Maneuvering an Army Engaging The Force Military Combat Military Maneuvers

(Chinese: 軍爭) Contending Armies Explains the dangers of direct conflict and how to win those confrontations when they are forced upon the commander.

VIII Variation of Tactics The Nine Variations Nine Changes Variations and Adaptability

(Chinese: 九變) Nine Contingencies Focuses on the need for flexibility in an army's responses. It explains how to respond to shifting circumstances successfully.

IX The Army on the March Moving The Force Maneuvering the Army Movement and Development of Troops

(Chinese: 行軍) Fielding the Army Describes the different situations in which an army finds itself as it moves through new enemy territories, and how to respond to these situations. Much of this section focuses on evaluating the intentions of others.

X Classification of Terrain Situational Positioning Configurations of Terrain Terrain

(Chinese: 地形) Conformations of the Lands Looks at the three general areas of resistance (distance, dangers and barriers) and the six types of ground positions that arise from them. Each of these six field positions offers certain advantages and disadvantages.

XI The Nine Situations The Nine Situations Nine Terrains The Nine Battlegrounds

(Chinese: 九地) Nine Kinds of Ground Describes the nine common situations (or stages) in a campaign, from scattering to deadly, and the specific focus that a commander will need in order to successfully navigate them.

XII Attack by Fire The Fiery Attack Incendiary Attacks Attacking with Fire

(Chinese: 火攻) Attacks with Fire Explains the general use of weapons and the specific use of the environment as a weapon. This section examines the five targets for attack, the five types of environmental attack and the appropriate responses to such attacks.

XIII Use of Spies The Use of Intelligence Employing Spies Intelligence and Espionage

(Chinese: 用間) Using Spies Focuses on the importance of developing good information sources, and specifies the five types of intelligence sources and how to best manage each of them.

Cultural influence

Military and intelligence applications

See also: Wen and wu

Across East Asia, The Art of War was part of the syllabus for potential candidates of military service examinations.

During the Sengoku period (c. 1467–1568), the Japanese daimyō Takeda Shingen (1521–1573) is said to have become almost invincible in all battles without relying on guns, because he studied The Art of War.[20] The book even gave him the inspiration for his famous battle standard "Fūrinkazan" (Wind, Forest, Fire and Mountain), meaning fast as the wind, silent as a forest, ferocious as fire and immovable as a mountain.

The translator Samuel B. Griffith offers a chapter on "Sun Tzu and Mao Tse-Tung" where The Art of War is cited as influencing Mao's On Guerrilla Warfare, On the Protracted War and Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War, and includes Mao's quote: "We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.'"[20]

During the Vietnam War, some Viet Cong officers extensively studied The Art of War and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General Võ Nguyên Giáp successfully implemented tactics described in The Art of War during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which partitioned Vietnam into North and South. General Giáp, later the main PVA military commander in the Vietnam War, was an avid student and practitioner of Sun Tzu's ideas.[21]

Outside East Asia

The United States' defeat in the Vietnam War, more than any other event, brought Sun Tzu to the attention of leaders of U.S. military theory.[21][22][23] The Department of the Army in the United States, through its Command and General Staff College, lists The Art of War as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library.[24] The Art of War is listed on the US Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel.[25] The Art of War is also used as instructional material at the United States Military Academy (commonly known as West Point), in the course Military Strategy (470).[26] It is also recommended reading for Officer cadets at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Some notable military leaders have stated the following about Sun Tzu and The Art of War:

"I always kept a copy of The Art of War on my desk."[27] – General Douglas MacArthur, 5 Star General and Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.

"I have read The Art of War by Sun Tzu. He continues to influence both soldiers & politicians."[28] – General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State.

According to some authors, the strategy of deception from The Art of War was studied and widely used by the KGB: "I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness".[29]

Application outside the military

The Art of War has been applied to many fields outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to outsmart one's opponent without actually having to engage in physical battle. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat.

The Art of War is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about fraud (mostly in the realm of commerce), Zhang Yingyu's The Book of Swindles (Du pian xin shu, 杜騙新書, c. 1617), which dates to the late Ming dynasty.[30]

Many business books have applied the lessons taken from the book to office politics and corporate business strategy.[31][32][33] Many Japanese companies make the book required reading for their key executives.[34] The book is also popular among Western business circles citing its utilitarian values regarding management practices. Many entrepreneurs and corporate executives have turned to it for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive business situations. The book has also been applied to the field of education.[35]

The Art of War has been the subject of legal books[36] and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy.[37][38][39][40]

The book The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene employs philosophies covered in The Art of War.[41]

The Art of War has also been applied in sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick, record holder of the most Super Bowl wins in history, has stated on multiple occasions his admiration for The Art of War.[42][43] Brazilian association football coach Luiz Felipe Scolari actively used The Art of War for Brazil's successful 2002 World Cup campaign. During the tournament Scolari put passages of The Art of War underneath his players' doors at night.[44][45]

The book Sun Tzu Soccer by Liam Shannon is a direct translation of The Art of War into soccer language and scenarios.[46]

Playing To Win by David Sirlin analyses applications of the ideas from The Art of War in modern esports.[47] The Art of War was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson.

Film and television

The Art of War and Sun Tzu have been referenced and quoted in many movies and television shows, including in the 1987 movie Wall Street, in which Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) frequently references it.[48] The 20th James Bond film, Die Another Day (2002) also references The Art of War as the spiritual guide shared by Colonel Moon and his father.[49] In The Sopranos, season 3, episode 8 ("He Is Risen"), Dr. Melfi suggests to Tony Soprano that he read the book.[50]

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation first-season episode "The Last Outpost", first officer William Riker quotes The Art of War: "Fear is the true enemy, the only enemy". Captain Picard expressed pleasure that Sun Tzu was still taught at Starfleet Academy. Later in the episode, a survivor from a long-dead nonhuman empire noted common aspects between his own people's wisdom and The Art of War with regard to knowing when and when not to fight.[51]

The Art of War is a 2000 action spy film directed by Christian Duguay and starring Wesley Snipes, Michael Biehn, Anne Archer and Donald Sutherland.[52]

Notable translations

Sun Tzu on the Art of War. Translated by Lionel Giles. London: Luzac and Company. 1910.

The Art of War. Translated by Samuel B. Griffith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1963. ISBN 978-0-19-501476-1. Part of the UNESCO Collection of Representative Works.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Translated by Thomas Cleary. Boston: Shambhala Dragon Editions. 1988. ISBN 978-0877734529.

The Art of Warfare. Translated by Roger Ames. Random House. 1993. ISBN 978-0-345-36239-1.

The Art of War. Translated by John Minford. New York: Viking. 2002. ISBN 978-0-670-03156-6.

The Art of War: Sunzi's Military Methods. Translated by Victor H. Mair. New York: Columbia University Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-231-13382-1.


A famous Jesuit General Michael Angelo Tambourini once boasted, in 1720, to the Duke of Brissac: " See, My Grace  [my Lord], from this room, I govern not only Paris, but China; not only China, but the whole world, without anyone knowing how it is managed."

"Andrew Steinmetz, History of the Jesuits, Vol. 1 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Lea and Blanchard Publ.,/New York: Richard Bentley, 1848), pp.107, 168-169; see also, Constitution of the Jesuits, edited by Paris Paulin (1843); Eugene Sue (Marie Joseph), The Wandering Jew, (London: Chapman and Hall, 1844/ New York; Harper & Brothers,, 1845), Bk I, Chap. XV, P. 183; see also, p. 618, and Bk. II, p. 21; Abrige de I'Hist. Eccles. de Racine, Chap. xii. P. 77." page 129 Chapter XII "Unhesitating Obedience: The General And The Holy Office" Codeword Barbelon book One by P.D. Stuart

"Steinmetz was fourteen years a Jesuit; see also, Constitutions of the Jesuits, ed. by P. Paulin (1843); Morale Pratique Des Jesuites: Histoire De La Persecution De deux Saints, Vol. I (Cologne, 1669), pp. 50 and 51." "Epilogue-For Such A Time As This" 

Pope Francis Lord of the World by P.D. Stuart

Jean Joseph Marie Amiot (Chinese: 錢德明; pinyin: Qián Démíng; February 8, 1718 – October 8, 1793) was a French Jesuit priest who worked in Qing China, during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor.

Born in Toulon, Amiot entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus at the age of 19. After he was ordained in 1746, he aspired to serve in an overseas mission. Eventually, he was assigned a mission in China and left France in 1749. He arrived at Beijing in 1751 and remained there for the rest of his life.

Amiot served as an intermediary between the academics of Europe and China. His correspondence provided insight on the culture of China to the Europeans. He translated Chinese works into French. Most notably, his translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War is the first rendition of the work into a Western language.

Early life

Amiot was born in Toulon on February 8, 1718 to Louis Amiot, the royal notary of Toulon, and Marie-Anne Serre.[1] He was the eldest of ten children: five boys and five girls.[2] His brother Pierre-Jules-Roch Amiot would go on to become the lieutenant-general of the admiralty of Toulon[3] and his sister, Marguerite-Claire was an Ursuline nun.[4] Amiot maintained contact with both.[5]

After finishing his studies in philosophy and theology at the Jesuit seminary in Toulon, Amiot entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Avignon on September 27, 1737;[5] he remained a novice for two years.[5] Afterwards, he taught at the Jesuit colleges of Besançon, Arles, Aix-en-Provence and finally at Nîmes, where he was professor of rhetoric in the academic year of 1744–1745. He completed his theological studies at Dôle from 1745 to 1748[6] and was ordained as a priest on December 22, 1746.[6]

Arrival at China

Amiot requested Franz Retz, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus at that time, to serve in an overseas mission, and was eventually given a mission to China.[7] Earlier, in a letter to his brother, he had expressed his desire to serve in a delegation to this particular country.[8] He left France in 1749, accompanied by Chinese Jesuits Paul Liu and Stanislas Kang,[7] who had been sent to study in France and were returning to their home country. Kang died at sea, before the party could reach China.[9]

They arrived at Macau on July 27, 1750.[7] The Jesuits of Beijing announced Amiot's arrival, along with that of the Portuguese Jesuits José d'Espinha and Emmanuel de Mattos,[7][10] to Emperor Qianlong, who ordered that they be taken to the capital.[11] On March 28, 1751, they left Macau for Guangzhou and arrived there five days later.[12] They left Canton on June 2, and reached Beijing on August 22.[13]

After his arrival in Beijing, he was put in charge of the children's congregation of the Holy Guardian Angels. Alongside this, he studied the Chinese language.[11] He adopted the Chinese name Qian Deming (錢德明)[14] and wore Chinese clothing in order to adapt himself to the culture of China.[15] In 1754, Amiot made a young Chinese man by the name of Yang Ya-Ko-Pe his assistant[15] and instructed him in the European manner. Yang died in 1784, after working with Amiot for over thirty years.[11]

Suppression of the Jesuits

In 1762 the Parlement of Paris ordered the suppression of the Society of Jesus and the confiscation of its property.[16] The society was abolished in France two years later, by the order of King Louis XV.[17] The Jesuit mission in China survived for a while after their suppression, being protected by the Qianlong Emperor himself.[18] The final blow, however, would be Pope Clement XIV's brief, Dominus ac Redemptor, issued on July 21, 1773, with which the Bishop of Rome officially ordered the suppression of the Society of Jesus. The brief reached the French Jesuits in China on September 22, 1775[19] via a German Carmelite named Joseph de Sainte-Thérèse.[20] The Jesuits of Beijing surrendered to it, resigned from the Society of Jesus and became secular priests.[18][21] Wishing to keep the French mission alive, King Louis XVI sent them financial aid and appointed François Bourgeois as their administrator.[22][23] Amiot was named as Bourgeois' replacement in the event of his absence.[24]

Subsequently, Amiot turned his attention to writing. He maintained contact with Henri Bertin, the foreign minister of France. His correspondences were published from 1776 to 1791 in the Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs et les usages des Chinois.[25] He also corresponded with other European Academies, including brief contacts with the Imperial Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society.[26]


In 1748 the Rite de Veilla Bru, or Faithful Scotsman, was established at Toulouse with nine degrees, the first three Symbolic, followed by the Secret Master, four Elu degrees, and the Ninth degree ' Scientific Masonry.^" " In 1750 and 1751, a Lodge styled ' St. Jean de Ecossais ' was established at Marseilles, which afterwards assumed the style of ' Scottish Mother Lodge of France.' Its regime finally consisted of Eighteen degrees, of which the Scottish Mother Lodge of France at Paris afterwards borrowed Eight."

" In 1752 a power of the High degrees was established under the pompous title of * Sovereign Council, Sublime Scotch Mother Lodge of the Grand French Globe.' It afterwards called itself* Sovereign Council, Sublime Mother Lodge of the Excellents of the Grand French Globe.' The ' Council of the Emperors of the East and West ' assumed that title also on the 22d January, 1780. — Ragon."

"In 1754, The Chevalier de Bonneville established a chapter of the High degrees at Paris, styled the ' Chapter of Clermont.' In it the Templar system was revived, and the Baron de Hund received the High degrees, there and thence derived the principles and doctrines of his ' Order of Strict Observance ' —Thory and Leveque—Ragon says, The regime of the Chapter of Clermont at first comprised only three degrees, viz., the three Symbolic, followed by the Knight of the Eagle or Master Elect, Illustrious Knight or Templar, and Illustrious Sublime Knight—but that they soon became more numerous."

" In the same year Martinez Pascalis established his rite of ' Elus C'dens ' with nine degrees. He did not carry it to Paris until 1767, where Martinism in ten degrees grew out of it." — Clavel.

" In 1757 M. de St. Gelaire introduced at Paris the ' Order of Noachites.' ^'

page 50





143 §1. Our consecration by profession of the evangelical counsels, by which we respond to a divine vocation, is at one and the same time the following of Christ poor, virginal, and obedient and a rejection of those idols that the world is always prepared to adore, especially wealth, pleasure, prestige, and power. Hence, our poverty, chastity, and obedience ought visibly and efficaciously to bear witness to this attitude, whereby we proclaim the evangelical possibility of a certain communion among men and women that is a foretaste of the future kingdom of God.[1]

§2. Our religious vows, while binding us, also set us FREE:

FREE, by our vow of poverty, to share the life of the poor and to use whatever resources we may have, not for our own security and comfort, but for service;

FREE, by our vow of chastity, to be men for others, in friendship and communion with all, but especially with those who share our mission of service;

FREE, by our vow of obedience, to respond to the call of Christ as made known to us by him whom the Spirit has placed over the Church, and to follow the lead of all our superiors.[2] [1] See GC 32, d. 4, no. 16; see GC 31, d. 16, no. 4; d. 17, no. 2; d. 18, no. 3. [2] GC 32, d. 2, no. 20. 215

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Valley of Traverse City


The History and Legend of Scottish Rite Origins

The Story Unfolds…

Like much of early Masonic history, the origins of the Scottish Rite are uncertain. This is primarily due to the lack of historic documentation prior to the early 1700’s and not to any great veiled mystery. The few records kept were subject to loss, fire, weather and aging. So we can at best only speculate on many of our origins by looking at the few documents, historical references and legends that remain.

What We Know

n 1754, near Paris, Chevalier de Bonneville established the Chapter of Clermont. The Chapter resided in the College of Jesuits of Clermont, hence the name. It is said to have been created to honor the Duc de Clermont, then Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge of France.

The Chapter of Clermont was a “Chapter of the Advanced Degrees” and initially entailed six degrees and was later extended to 25 known degrees. The six initial degrees were 1˚, 2˚ and 3˚ St John’s Masonry, 4˚ Knight of the Eagle, 5˚ Illustrious Knight or Templar, 6˚ Sublime Illustrious Knight.

Interestingly enough historically, prior to the time of the Rite’s creation, James II had been in residence at Clermont in exile from Britain from 1688 to his death in 1701. As noted by German Masonic historian, Lenning… “whilst in exile, James II residing at the Jesuit College of Clermont in France, allowed his closest associates to fabricate certain degrees in order to extend their political views.” Lenning believed this to have been an attempt on the part of James and his associates to regain control of the British throne for the House of Stuart. If Lenning is right, this places the origins of the “Rite of Perfection” in the hands of James II and the Jacobite (Stuart) Freemasons who at the time were in exile from Great Britain throughout France and Italy. Lenning also contends that these degrees were introduced into French Freemasonry under the name of the Clermont System.

James II died in exile in 1701. His son James III is said to have continued his father’s Masonic legacy and later created further higher degrees.

Perhaps James II saw in the Jesuit morality plays of the College of Clermont a vessel for passing on a set of moral lessons. Some of the world’s greatest playwrights had emerged from Clermont. Jesuit tutelage had previously produced great writers such as Lope de Vega, Moliere, Racine, and the Corneille brothers. Ensconced in exile, I believe James II did find the inspiration and the training to help produce what would later become the first six degrees. From out of the darkness… comes light.

To be continued… (Author’s note… An in depth look at the Templar influence in Scottish Rite masonry’s origins can be found by visiting the Rosslyn Templars’ website.)"


The Collège de Clermont was one of the earliest schools established by the Jesuits, who were incredibly influential in shaping education in Europe. The Jesuits were a rigid and hierarchical Catholic sect that followed the teachings of Ignatius Loyola. 


Note 348,—« 'Knight Kadosh, or Knight of the White and Black Eagle. he 30th degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite. There are several decrees known as Kadoshes. The French rituals mention seven: 1. That f the Hebrews. 2. That of the first Christians. 3. That of the Crusades. 4. That of the Templars^ 5. That of Cromwell, or the Puritans. 6. That of the Jesuits. 7. The Grand Veritable Kadosh, 'apart from every sect, free of all ambition, which opens its arms to all men, and has no enemies other than vice, crime, fanaticism, and superstititlon.' Its ritual furnishes the history of the destruction of the Templars by the united efforts of Philip of France and Pope Clement V. In this degree, when there is a reception, four apartments are used. In the first and second apartments, the Lodge is termed Council; in the third. Areopagus; in the fourth, the Senate. The presiding officer is styled Most Illustrious Grand Commander. The jewel is a Teutonic cross, and is thus described, in heraldic language: 'A cross potent sable, charged ivith another cross double potent, or, surcharged with an escutcheon, rearing the letters J. B. M.; the principal cross surmounted by a chief, izure seme of France.* On the reverse, a skull transpierced by a poniard. The stated meetings of all councils of Kadosh are held January 6; on jood Friday; on Ascension day, and on November the 2. in each year. So one of these is ever, on any account, to be omitted."—Macoy's E,ncyclopedia and Dictionary of Freemasonry, Article Knight Kadosh.

Note 370.—"Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. The 32nd degree of the Ancient and Accepted rite, and for many years, or until the institution of the 33d degree, this was the highest degree, or ne plus ultra of Masonry. The body is styled a Consistory, and should be held in a building of two stories. The officers are, a Thrice Illustrious Commander, First and Second Lieutenants, a Minister of State, a Grand Chancellor, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, and a Grand Captain of the Guard. In the East a throne, elevated on seven steps, which is the seat of the Thrice Illustrious Commander, who wears a robe of royal purple, and he and the Lieutenants, wear swords. The collar of this degree is black, lined with scarlet, and in the center, at the point, a double-headed eagle, of silver or gold, on a red Teutonic cross. The apron is of white satin, with a border of gold lace, one inch wide, lined with scarlet; on the flap is a double-headed eagle, on each side of which is the flag of the country in which the body is located, the flag of Prussia and the Beause- -ant of the Kadosh degree; on the apron is the camp of the Crusaders, , which is thus explained; it is composed of an enneagon, within which is ' inscribed a heptagon, within that a pentagon, and in the center an equilateral triangle, within which is a circle. Between the heptagon and pentagon are placed five standards, in the designs of whigjl are five letters, which form a particular word. The first standard is purple, on which is emblazoned the ark of the covenant, with a palm, tree on each side; the ark has the motto Laus Deo. The second is blue, on which is a lion, of gold, couchant, holding in his mouth a golden key, with a collar of the same metal on his neck, and on it is the device, Ad majorem Dei gloriam. The third is white, and displays a heart in flames, with two wings; it is surmounted by a crown of laurels. The fourth is green, and bears a double-headed black eagle, crowned, holding a sword in his right claw, and a bleeding heart in his left. The fifth bears a black ox. on a field of gold. On the sides of the enneagon are nine tents, with flags, representing the divisions of the Masonic army; on the angles are nine pinions, of the same color as the flag of the tent that precedes it. The hall of the Consistory is hung with black, strewed with tears of silver. The jewel is a double-headed white and black eagle, resting on a Teutonic cross, of gold, worn attached to the collar or ribbon. ^The members are called Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. The moral of the degree teaches opposition to bigotry, superstition, and all the passions and vices which disgrace human nature."—Macoy's Encyclopaedia and Pictionary of Freemasonry, Article Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret 


252 §1. To be truly Christian, our service to the Church must be anchored in fidelity to Christ, who makes all things new; to be proper to the Society, it must be done in union with the SUCCESSORS OF PETER[32]

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms


Vatican confirms ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons

By Reuters

November 15, 20235:16 PM PSTUpdated 10 months ago

The department, known as the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, issued its opinion, dated Nov. 13 and countersigned by Pope Francis, in response to a bishop from the Philippines alarmed by the growing number of Freemasons in his country.

The same office said last week that transgender people can be baptized, serve as godparents and act as witnesses at Catholic weddings.

The letter on Freemasons cited a 1983 declaration, signed by the late Pope Benedict XVI, at the time the Vatican's doctrine chief, stating that Catholics "in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion".


Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ (born 12 November 1948) is a Venezuelan Catholic priest who serves as the 31st and present superior general of the Society of Jesus. He was elected by the Society's 36th General Congregation on 14 October 2016, succeeding Adolfo Nicolás. He is the first person born in Latin America to lead the Jesuits.

Early life and education

Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on 12 November 1948,[1] the son of Arturo Sosa, Sr. a prestigious businessman who served twice as finance minister in 1958 and 1982.[2] He entered the Society of Jesus in 1966 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1977.[1] He earned a licentiate in philosophy from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in 1972, and a doctorate in political science from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1990.[3][4]

Priestly ministry

Sosa has held a number of positions in various universities. He was a professor and member of the Council of the foundation for the Andrés Bello Catholic University, and rector of the Catholic University of Tachira, both Jesuit universities.[4] He was also the Chair of Contemporary Political Theory and the Department of Social Change at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Venezuela.[4] He published a number of works, mainly about the history and politics of Venezuela. He was also coordinator of the social apostolate and director of Centro Gumilla in Venezuela, a centre of research and social action for the Jesuits in Venezuela,[4] as well as editor-in-chief of Revista SIC magazine for Catholic social ethics and politics from 1976 to 1996.[5] In 2004, he was professor of Venezuelan political thinking at the Catholic University of Tachira and was invited to Georgetown University Center for Latin American Studies as a visiting professor to give a lecture.[6]

Between 1996 and 2004, Sosa was Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in Venezuela.[4] During the 35th General Congregation in 2008, he was appointed Counselor General by then-Superior General Adolfo Nicolás.[4] In 2014, he joined the General Curia of the Society of Jesus in Rome as Delegate for Interprovincial Roman Houses of the Society of Jesus in Rome, which include institutions such as the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Pontifical Oriental Institute, the Vatican Observatory, and La Civiltà Cattolica.[4][7]

Sosa speaks Spanish, Italian and English, and understands French.[4]

Superior General of the Society of Jesus 

On 14 October 2016, during the thirty-sixth General Congregation of the Society of Jesus, the assembly elected Sosa as the Order's thirty-first Superior General to succeed Adolfo Nicolás.[6] He became the first Latin American to head the Jesuits.[8] In his first address as Superior General, he said that Jesuits should look for "alternatives to overcome poverty, inequality and oppression" and also to collaborate with others "inside and outside the Church".[9]

In 2017, in a visit to the Jesuit mission in Cambodia, Sosa met with a group of Buddhist monks in the Buddhist-majority country.[10] In 2018, commenting on the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Sosa spoke of secularization, saying "What if we try, instead, to look at secularization as a sign of the times, in the theological sense that the Second Vatican Council gave to this expression? It means looking at secularization, and the secular world that arises from it, as one of the ways the Spirit is speaking to us and guiding us in this time."[11]

In February 2019, after guiding Jesuits and their lay collaborators through two years of discernment, Sosa announced four priorities that would guide the Society's decisions for the next decade. These were: teaching discernment through use of the Spiritual Exercises, walking with the poor in their quest for dignity and justice, accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future, and collaborating in the care of our Common Home. Pope Francis declared these priorities to be very much in line with those of his pontificate.[12]


The Catholic Herald criticised Sosa for being one of over 1,000 signatories of a 1989 letter welcoming Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to Venezuela in 1989, Castro having repressed the Catholic Church in Cuba during his time in power.[13] George Neumayr of the conservative American Spectator described Sosa as a "Marxist", "a Venezuelan communist, and modernist".[14]

In February 2017, in response to Cardinal Müller's argument that permitting the reception of Communion by the remarried contradicts Jesus's words in the Bible that marriage is indissoluble and Müller's insistence that those words are unchangeable, Sosa argued for a "reflection on what Jesus really said", and described the Gospel as "relative", being "written by human beings" and "accepted by [...] human beings". Sosa also argued that the doctrine of the Church is in "continuous development", and "never in white and black".[15] Sosa's remarks drew criticism in the Italian media.[16]

The English priest and consulting editor of The Catholic Herald Alexander Lucie-Smith disagreed with Sosa, arguing that the Church's teaching on the indissolubility of marriage has been historically consistent, and that there was no precedent set in the Bible to interpret these words otherwise.[17] Theologian Chad Pecknold criticised Sosa's views as "reflect[ing] a profound skepticism about Holy Scripture", countering that although a variety of interpretations are allowed, they must "fit with the established doctrine of the Church and do not contradict the deposit of the Faith". Contradicting Sosa's own claim that his views were "not relativism",[15] Pecknold characterised Sosa's remarks as "historicist relativizing".[18]

Catholic author Vittorio Messori accused Sosa of "'liquefying' the Gospel itself" by suggesting that the Gospel should be adapted according to the times on the basis that Jesus's words were not recorded verbatim or "on tape".[19]

In June 2017, in an interview with El Mundo, Sosa said, "We have formed symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil. Social conditioning can also represent this figure, since there are people who act [in an evil way] because they are in an environment where it is difficult to act to the contrary". This was criticised as contradicting the Catechism of the Catholic Church which teaches that the Devil is a real creature.[20] A spokesman for Sosa later argued that Sosa was not denying church teaching, saying, "to say the devil symbolizes evil is not to deny the existence of the devil."[21] On 21 August 2019, Sosa declared in an interview that the Devil "exists as the personification of evil in different structures, but not in persons, because [he] is not a person, [he] is a way of acting evil. He is not a person like a human person. It is a way of evil to be present in human life. [...] Good and evil are in a permanent war in the human conscience and we have ways to point them out. We recognize God as good, fully good. Symbols are part of reality, and the devil exists as a symbolic reality, not as a personal reality." The Catholic World Report criticized these declarations, saying they were contrary to the catechism, and reminded of the controversy of the June 2017 statement of Sosa concerning the Devil.[22]

In October 2018, in an interview with Eternal Word Television Network, Sosa argued that "the pope is not the chief of the Church, he's the Bishop of Rome". This was opposed by Chad Pecknold, Associate Professor of Theology at the Catholic University of America, who argued that it would be wrong to believe that Pope was "merely 'first among equals' ", and insisted that the pope has "supreme authority" over all bishops and the faithful.[23]


Sosa has authored about a dozen books on politics and on the history of Venezuela, including:

Arturo Sosa, La filosofía política del gomecismo: Estudio del pensamiento by Laureano Vallenilla Lanz, Barquisimeto, Centro Gumilla,1974, 130 p. (ISBN 8439920830)

Arturo Sosa and Eloi Lengrand, Del garibaldismo student to the izquierda criolla: Los orígenes marxistas del proyecto de AD (1928-1935), Caracas, Centauro, 1981, 517 ppp. (OCLC 30449576)

Arturo Sosa, Ensayos sobre el pensamiento político positivista venezolano, Caracas, Centauro,1985, 269 pp. (ISBN 9802630217)

Arturo Sosa, Rómulo Betancourt y el Partido del Pueblo, 1937-1941, Caracas, Fundación Rómulo Betancourt, coll. "Vigente Tiempo" (No. 9) 1995, 617 pp. (ISBN 9806191293)


Books: 1. In general: the extent to which they are to be allowed for the private use of Ours [372, 373]; specifically, in the colleges of Ours [372]. See also Library; Publishing books and other scholarly works 2. Administrative: in which are to be recorded: possessions brought by novices and certain of their declarations [57, 200]; the names of those who pronounce vows [530, 545] 3. To be read in the schools: see Authors 4. The writing thereof: see Writing of books;Writers 5. Publication thereof: see Publishing books and other scholarly works

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms 

A Complete English Translation of the Official Latin Texts 





Case No. 25 PO 00002 3G

PO Rec No.: 323314














Adverse Party.





Expiration: This order was issued by the Court above on January 7, 2025 and will expire


on FEBRUARY 21, 2025 at 11:59 pm unless the Court orders otherwise. Hearing to Extend:

There will be a hearing to determine whether to extend this order on FEBRUARY 18, 2025 at 3:00 pm at the Court listed above.

If you do not attend, the court may rule against you.

The Applicant filed a verified application for a protective order. The Court has jurisdiction over this matter. See NRS 200.591, et seq. The Court finds that stalking, aggravated stalking and/or harassment has occurred. Accordingly, and good cause appearing, it is the ORDER of the Court that the following orders apply to the Adverse Party:

1. YOU ARE PROHIBITED from threatening, physically injuring, or harassing the

Applicant and/or the following persons:

Protected Parties: The following persons are protected under this order: Applicant: JOSHUA JAMES COX

2. YOU ARE ORDERED to not contact the protected parties at all in any way,

including but not limited to in person, by phone/text, by email, or through social


3. YOU ARE ORDERED to stay away from Applicant's residence located at: 2024 LONNIE LANE, DAYTON, NV 89403


02020 Nevada Supreme Court

Temporary Protection Order Against Stalking or Harassment (Revised October 2020)

Page 1 of 3




How do you know the person you need protection from (check all that apply)?

We are related by blood or marriage. Explain We are or used to be friends/acquaintances.

We are


or reside in the same

We are or were co-workers.

Other: (specify relationship):

in any court?


Are there any other current or prior court cases that involve you and the Adverse Party


Yes. If you know, please list the case type, county, state, and case number:


Does the Adverse Party own a gun or have a gun in his/her possession or control?



I don't know.

Most Recent Event. Think about the most recent event. These questions ask about the most recent event only.

Approximate date it happened:

City/State/Location where it happened:

Did the other person use or threaten to use a weapon? No Yes.

What Happened? Explain the most recent event and describe any injuries. Give specific and detailed information about the event. You can list past events on the next page. If you are filing on behalf of a child, include details about who happened to the child.




02020 Nevada Supreme Court

Application for Protection Order

(Revised October 2020)

Page 3 of 8



Attach more pages if you need more room (pages 4a, 4b, 4c).

C2020 Nevada Supreme Court

Application for Protection Order (Revised October 2020)

Page 4 of 8


Past Event(s).

Think about any other times the person you want protection from threatened or abused you happened. and/or the child/children. The following questions ask about any past events that may have

Approximate Date:

What Happened:



Approximate Date: What Happened:

10. Law enforcement involvement.

Was law enforcement informed?



a. If so, please provide a copy of the police incident report Was anyone arrested? No Yes (Who),

Is the Adverse Party in jail? A No


C2020 Nevada Supreme Court

Application for Protection Onder (Revised October 2020)

Page 5 of 8

Case No. 25 PO 00002 3G

If you want to dispute this order or have it changed, you can request a

hearing by filing a written request with this court. Court staff will give you information about how to file your request. The court will set a hearing on your request as quickly as



Any law enforcement officer, with or without a warrant, may arrest and take into custody the Adverse Party, when the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that (a) an Order has been issued pursuant to NRS 33.270 against the Adverse Party; (b) the Adverse Party has been served with a copy of the Order; and (c) the Adverse Party is acting or has acted in violation of the Order. This arrest may occur regardless of whether the violation occurred in the officer's presence.

Any law enforcement agency in this state may enforce a Court Order issued pursuant to NRS 33.270 without regard to the county in which the Order is issued.





January 7, 2025













(Revised October 2020)

Temporary Protection Order Against Stalking or Harassment



©2020 Nevada Supreme Court

Page 3 of 3 

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Camille Vecchiarelli

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Age 61

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Camille Vecchiarelli

Dayton, NV

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Lyon County

Recorded April 2002

25 Main St

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded October 2006

375 Comstock Rd

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded June 2018

55 Silver St

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded January 2011

365 Comstock Rd

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded November 1991

Po Box 924

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded September 1999

Po Box 1448

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded November 1991

25 E Main St

Fernley NV 89408

Lyon County

Recorded December 1996

15 E Main St

Fernley NV 89408

Lyon County

Recorded August 1995

Po Box 537

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded January 2004

Po Box 184

Dayton NV 89403

Lyon County

Recorded September 1988

Po Box 1478

Carson City NV 89702

Carson City County

Recorded January 1984


of Camille Vecchiarelli in Dayton, NV

Anthony Vecchiarelli

Age 77 (Oct 1947)

Jennifer Tackitt

Age 52 (Jun 1972)

Lenora Sommers

Age 91 (May 1933)

Lisa Meggerson

Age 60 (Jul 1964)

Lyle Meggerson

Age 58 (Dec 1966)

Steven Vecchiarelli

Age 64 (Sep 1960)

Anthony Vecchiarelli

Age 55 (Oct 1969)

Anthony Vecchiarelli

Age 64 (Jan 1961)

Ariel Meggerson

Age 34 (Sep 1990)

Brandee Cislini

Age 52 (Aug 1972)

Cassidy Tharp

Age 48 (Dec 1976)

Daniel Tackitt

Age 60 (Aug 1964)

Daniel Tharp

Age 65 (Apr 1959)

Douglas Omyer

Age 55 (Oct 1969)

Eileen Ramirez

Age 58 (Jun 1966)

Erich Goller

Age 91 (May 1933)

Gerald Tharp

Age 62 (Feb 1962)

Heather Vecchiarelli

Age 50 (Jul 1974)

Hermine Goller

Age 87 (Sep 1937)

Joan Sommers

Age 84 (Nov 1940)

Johanna Pinochi

Age 46 (Oct 1978)

Show More...


of Camille Vecchiarelli in Dayton, NV

Russell Harig

Age 57(May 1967)

Nathanial Harig

Age 28(Oct 1996)

Judyann Bennett

Age 72(Jan 1953)

Lewis Sommers

Age 83(Dec 1941)

Lorena Cates

Age 89(Jan 1936)

Peter Smith

Age 67(Jan 1957)

Rene Marchany

Age 91(Aug 1933)

Robert Bennett

Age 78(Mar 1946)

Monique Mercier

Age 49(Sep 1975)

Is Camille Vecchiarelli Currently Married?

We can not find any public records stating that Camille Vecchiarelli is currently Married. It is not likely.

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of Camille Vecchiarelli living at

Po Box 2541, Dayton NV 89403

J Dutton

(775) 246-4262

Po Box 2537

Dayton NV 89403

Sanchez Rivera

Po Box 2535

Dayton NV 89403

Regena Davis

(714) 839-5992

Po Box 2529

Dayton NV 89403

Nevada Western

Po Box 2555

Dayton NV 89403

Paul Hoff

(510) 654-5411

Po Box 2557

Dayton NV 89403

Barbara Borkowski

(775) 629-0110

Po Box 2558

Dayton NV 89403


Camille Vecchiarelli in Dayton, NV is associated with the following businesses:


365 ComstockRd Dayton NV 89403



Since December 2001


365 Comstock Rd Dayton NV 89403



Since May 2002


365 Comstock Rd Dayton NV 89403



Since April 2002

FREE Background Report for Camille Vecchiarelli in Dayton, NV (Nevada)

Camille Vecchiarelli is 61 years old and was born in March of 1963. Currently Camille lives at the address Po Box 2541, Dayton NV 89403. Camille has lived at this Dayton, NV address for about 26 years, after moving in around May of 1998. Camille previously lived at 15 Main St, Dayton NV 89403 for 21 years, starting in April of 2002. Going further back, starting in October of 2006, Camille lived at 25 Main St, Dayton NV 89403 for 16 years.

Public records do not indicate that Camille Vecchiarelli is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Camille: Anthony Vecchiarelli(77), Jennifer Tackitt(52), Lenora Sommers(91), Lisa Meggerson(60), Lyle Meggerson(58), Steven Vecchiarelli(64), Anthony Vecchiarelli(55), Anthony Vecchiarelli(64), Ariel Meggerson(34), Brandee Cislini(52) and Cassidy Tharp(48).

Camille's current phone number is (775) 246-0411. This Landline number was issued by 'Nevada Bell Telephone Company', first reported in public records on August of 2010. Past phone numbers for Camille include (775) 246-3212, (775) 246-1750 and (775) 246-5155. The primary email address for Camille is camillevecchiarelli@cableone.net.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Camille Vecchiarelli?

Camille Vecchiarelli is 61 years old, and was born in March of 1963.

Where does Camille Vecchiarelli live currently?

Camille Vecchiarelli's current address is Po Box 2541, Dayton NV 89403. Camille has lived there for about 26.7 years, since May of 1998.

Who is related to Camille Vecchiarelli?

Camille Vecchiarelli is likely related to the following people: Anthony Vecchiarelli, Jennifer Tackitt, Lenora Sommers, Lisa Meggerson, Lyle Meggerson, Steven Vecchiarelli, Anthony Vecchiarelli, Anthony Vecchiarelli, Ariel Meggerson, Brandee Cislini, Cassidy Tharp

What is the best phone number for Camille Vecchiarelli?

Camille Vecchiarelli's latest phone number is a landline at (775) 246-0411.

What is the best email for Camille Vecchiarelli?

camillevecchiarelli@cableone.net is the most current email on record for Camille Vecchiarelli.

Is Camille Vecchiarelli alive today?

Yes! Camille Vecchiarelli is living today.

Does Camille Vecchiarelli go by any other names or aliases?

Camille Vecchiarelli may also go by the following names or aliases: Camille Marie Meggerson, Camille M Meggerson, Camille Meggerson, Camille Meggersen, Ca Vecchiarelli, C M Vecchiarelli

Who does Camille Vecchiarelli associate with?

The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Camille Vecchiarelli: Russell Harig, Nathanial Harig, Judyann Bennett, Lewis Sommers, Lorena Cates, Peter Smith, Rene Marchany, Robert Bennett, Monique Mercier

Where did Camille Vecchiarelli live previously?

Camille Vecchiarelli was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 15 Main St, Dayton NV 89403 | 25 Main St, Dayton NV 89403 | 375 Comstock Rd, Dayton NV 89403 | 55 Silver St, Dayton NV 89403 | 365 Comstock Rd, Dayton NV 89403 | Po Box 924, Dayton NV 89403

What email addresses have been used by Camille Vecchiarelli?

There is one email account for Camille Vecchiarelli, and that is camillevecchiarelli@cableone.net

What phone numbers have been used by Camille Vecchiarelli?

Camille Vecchiarelli has been registered with the following phone numbers: (775) 246-0411, (775) 246-3212, (775) 246-1750, (775) 246-5155

Is Camille Vecchiarelli associated wth any businesses?



Alito, Breyer, Kagan, Scalia, and Thomas skip papal address to Congress

By Nick Gass

09/24/2015 10:15 AM EDT

Updated: 09/25/2015 12:37 PM EDT

Less than half of the Supreme Court attended Pope Francis’ historic address to Congress on Thursday morning, including three Catholic no-shows.

Cameras showed Chief Justice John Roberts joined by justices Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor. Roberts, Kennedy and Sotomayor are all Catholics, while Ginsburg is Jewish.

Notably absent were Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, all of whom are Catholic. Also absent were Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, who are Jewish.

A Supreme Court spokeswoman declined to comment on the justices’ schedules.

However, Alito and Breyer were out of town Thursday for previously scheduled engagements, according to press reports and news releases.

Alito was teaching and speaking at the University of Kentucky, while Breyer was in Northern California speaking and promoting his new book, “The Court and the World.”


The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all U.S. federal court cases, and over state court cases that turn on questions of U.S. constitutional or federal law. It also has original jurisdiction over a narrow range of cases, specifically "all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party."[2] In 1803, the Court asserted itself the power of judicial review, the ability to invalidate a statute for violating a provision of the Constitution via the landmark case Marbury v Madison. It is also able to strike down presidential directives for violating either the Constitution or statutory law.[3]

Under Article Three of the United States Constitution, the composition and procedures of the Supreme Court were originally established by the 1st Congress through the Judiciary Act of 1789. As it has since 1869, the court consists of nine justices – the chief justice of the United States and eight associate justices – who meet at the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C. Justices have lifetime tenure, meaning they remain on the court until they die, retire, resign, or are impeached and removed from office.[3] When a vacancy occurs, the president, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoints a new justice. Each justice has a single vote in deciding the cases argued before the court. When in the majority, the chief justice decides who writes the opinion of the court; otherwise, the most senior justice in the majority assigns the task of writing the opinion.[4]

On average, the Supreme Court receives about 7,000 petitions for writs of certiorari each year, but only grants about 80.[5]


FRANCISCANS: The Franciscans were founded in the 13th century by Saint Francis, who, in a vision, was charged by God to rebuild My Church, which as you see is falling into ruin. These words proved not only to be true, but also prophetic; the Church indeed was falling into ruin, and Saint Francis indeed saved it; for he sparked a wave of new fervor that swept across the world that lasted for generations (Just read any papal encyclical from this time period. They are all about regularizing the Franciscans).

            Franciscans are typically characterized by their lives of simplicity, penance, poverty, and love for the poor. In a testament written by Saint Francis, the very first sentence contains the following; "The Lord granted me, Br. Francis, to begin to do penance in this way." It is thus fitting that the Franciscan order be regarded as the Order of Penitents. The Franciscan school tends to follow the thought of Franciscan saints, such as St. Bonaventure and Bl. John Duns SCOTUS, and was responsible for defending the Immaculate Conception in a time when it was still contested, even by St. Thomas Aquinas himself. For this reason, Franciscans and Dominicans have often shared a healthy (and not so healthy at times) competition with one another. Tragically, this has often resulted in a polarization of their two schools, Franciscans vs. Dominicans, where the former avoids Aquinas and the latter avoids Bonaventure and SCOTUS. Such exclusivity, unforutnately, causes much harm to the Church, and is not unique to these two orders alone; it is common for orders to read only saints within their own tradition and avoid others (And, by doing so, communities today are failing in their own formation. It is not unlike reading five chapters of the Bible for ones life, or contemplating a detail of a painting without ever seeing the whole painting. To be Catholic is to be universal, open to all the gifts of God to the Church. If the Church, for example, places such great importance on the theology of Aquinas, then it is lamentable that religious orders do not also do so in their theology programs).

               Being a mendicant order, the Franciscans live solely off of the generosity of others, entrusting all to the hands of God. Like the Benedictines, the Franciscans also underwent a number of reforms throughout history, but were consolidated in 1897 into three main bodies; Friars Minor, the Conventuals, and the Capuchins. Some Franciscan communities may be more contemplative in nature, similar to that of monastics. Venerable Mary of Agreda, for instance, a 17th century cloistered Franciscan nun and mystic, received messages from Our Lady on how to live out her religious state;

Mystical City of God, Book VI, Chp V: "But I...find so few who console with me and try to console my Son in His sorrows....Consider then thy duty, my dearest, and raise thyself above all earthly things and above thyself; for I am calling thee and choose thee to imitate and follow me into the solitude in which I am left by man....Flee from the dangerous intercourse with creatures....I remind thee that there is no exercise more profitable and useful to the soul than to suffer....Therefore, my daughter, embrace the cross, and do not admit any consolation outside of it in this mortal life. By contemplating and feeling within thyself the sacred Passion thou wilt attain the summit of perfection and attain the love of a spouse."

Friars Minor: The Order of Friars Minor (O.F.M.) were the result of a large consolidation of various branches (Observants, Discalced, Recollects, Riformati, etc.) by Pope Leo XII in 1897. Today the Friars Minor compose the largest body of the Franciscan order, and are criticized as being the most lenient and divorced from the spirit of Saint Francis--an unfortunate exigency considering the OFM's prominent place in the history of the Franciscan order; with roots dating back to first years of the order through the aggregation of the Observants.

Friars Minor Conventual: Next to the Observants, the Conventual Franciscans were one of the first reforms of the Franciscan order. They desired to apply the Franciscan spirit to new applications (such as urban city apostolates, rather than remaining in rural areas). As such, the Conventuals were granted various dispensations to relax certain rules in order to carry out specific apostolates. The conventuals tended to take on a more academic spirit than, say, Capuchins for instance. Today, the Conventuals have also suffered from a spirit of laxity, as most communities. However, there have also been great fruits that originated from Conventual communities, such as St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Bonaventure, and Saint Maximilian Kolbe, known for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Friars Minor Capuchin. The Capuchin reform (O.F.M. Cap.) dates to about 1525, and not unlike the first Observants, they also desired a return to a stricter observance of the Franciscan rule--though, like most reforms, certain elements of its initial fervor declined with time. The Capuchins are more likely to be seen feeding the poor or street evangelizing, rather than writing a book on the liturgy or studying mystical theology. Today, the Capuchin Franciscans tend to be considerably more divorced from their origins. However, there also exists renewed efforts to restore the original spirit of the order. In 1968, Padre Pio--a Capuchin Franciscan and one of the greatest mystics in the Church--wrote a letter to Pope Paul VI in which he stated; "I pray to God that [the Capuchin order] may continue in its tradition of religious seriousness and austerity, evangelical poverty and faithful observance of the Rule and Constitution, certainly renewing itself in the vitality and in the inner spirit, according to the guides of the Second Vatican Council". We have yet to see if such a renewal, which is so desperately needed in all orders, will take root or not.

Author's note: Like many of the major religious orders, the Franciscans and Dominicans have suffered greatly in recent times. It is not uncommon today to see friars watching television, or going to the movies and eating ice cream on a Friday night. The spirit of sacrifice, a hallmark of religious life, has largely been obscured over years, as the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction to a kind of secularized love, absent of any austerities. However, like the Benedictines, the communities of lax traditions tend to be dying away, as new young communities take their place, devoted to a more authentic renewal that Vatican II called for.


University of Scranton welcomes President Biden

The university has illuminated its Class of 2020 Gateway in red and blue lights.

Author: WNEP Web Staff

Published: 10:52 PM EDT October 19, 2021

Updated: 10:52 PM EDT October 19, 2021

SCRANTON, Pa. — In preparation for President Joe Biden's visit, a university lit up their lights in his honor.

The University of Scranton has illuminated its Class of 2020 Gateway in blue and red with the number 46 prominently displayed to welcome the 46th president."

University of Scranton welcomes President Biden | wnep.com


"His son, Hunter Biden, 38, is a longtime federal lobbyist for the Jesuit university located in his father's hometown, Scranton PA. According to federal disclosures, Hunter Biden has been earning about $80,000 a year since 2006 to lobby for this university. Senator Biden himself has lectured at the Jesuit University of Scranton, and received an honorary degree from the same university, in 1976." 

Codeword Barbelon by P.D. Stuart

FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Bold Plan to Reform the Supreme Court and Ensure No President Is Above the Law


Briefing Room

Statements and Releases

From his first day in office—and every day since then—President Biden has taken action to strengthen American democracy and protect the rule of law.

In recent years, the Supreme Court has overturned long-established legal precedents protecting fundamental rights. This Court has gutted civil rights protections, taken away a woman’s right to choose, and now granted Presidents broad immunity from prosecution for crimes they commit in office.

At the same time, recent ethics scandals involving some Justices have caused the public to question the fairness and independence that are essential for the Court to faithfully carry out its mission to deliver justice for all Americans.

President Biden believes that no one—neither the President nor the Supreme Court—is above the law.

In the face of this crisis of confidence in America’s democratic institutions, President Biden is calling for three bold reforms to restore trust and accountability:

No Immunity for Crimes a Former President Committed in Office: President Biden shares the Founders’ belief that the President’s power is limited—not absolute—and must ultimately reside with the people. He is calling for a constitutional amendment that makes clear no President is above the law or immune from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. This No One Is Above the Law Amendment will state that the Constitution does not confer any immunity from federal criminal indictment, trial, conviction, or sentencing by virtue of previously serving as President.

Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices: Congress approved term limits for the Presidency over 75 years ago, and President Biden believes they should do the same for the Supreme Court. The United States is the only major constitutional democracy that gives lifetime seats to its high court Justices. Term limits would help ensure that the Court’s membership changes with some regularity; make timing for Court nominations more predictable and less arbitrary; and reduce the chance that any single Presidency imposes undue influence for generations to come. President Biden supports a system in which the President would appoint a Justice every two years to spend eighteen years in active service on the Supreme Court.

Binding Code of Conduct for the Supreme Court: President Biden believes that Congress should pass binding, enforceable conduct and ethics rules that require Justices to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity, and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest. Supreme Court Justices should not be exempt from the enforceable code of conduct that applies to every other federal judge.

President Biden and Vice President Harris look forward to working with Congress and empowering the American people to prevent the abuse of Presidential power, restore faith in the Supreme Court, and strengthen the guardrails of democracy. President Biden thanks the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States for its insightful analysis of Supreme Court reform proposals. The Administration will continue its work to ensure that no one is above the law – and in America, the people rule.






The right to be let alone is the most comprehensive of rid and the right most valued by civilized men

Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brande Olmstead. United States (1928), 2771 S. 38, 478

How does one take over control of the currency of a nation? By engineering crisis, wars and national calamities. And that is exactly what has been done

THE SECRET GOVERNMENT HAD LONG SOUGHT means, or rather an excuse, to bring in the first phase of the New World order-initiated" by Pope John Paul II- September 11, 2001 gave them that opportunity.

As the reader will recall, earlier, I referred to the official US government video in which the then U.S. Senator Gary Hart can be heard saying, just one day after 9/11, that President Bush had the

Pope Benedict's 2009 encyclical, Caritas in Veritate speaks about setting "ourselves new rules under new "a world Political authority" And you will recall also that in an earlier chapter I quoted the Jesuit Professor Malachi Martin saying, "John Paul started into the millenni and that it would be "dominated by an INTERNATIONAL BUREAUCRACY (vix, a world political authority? whuch controls and directs every citizen and every nation." Martin called

endgame... HE INITIATED IT

this "International Bureaucracy" the Pope's "Grand Design of God for the new world order." So we have it from a former advise to three popes that the Vatican, the Roman Catholic hierarchy is the power behind the new world order (See, Keys of This Blood, op. cit., pp. 13,15, 16, 41, 50


September 11-National Security Vs. Individual Freedoms... opportunity to "use this [September 111 disaster to carry out what his father (Bush Sr./ mentioned... and that is a New World Order."

September 11, 2001, was a major phase of the "millenium endgame" spoken of by Jesuit professor Malachi Martin. It created the ammosphere that was required for the unopposed introduction of

modern fascism.

Leading American academic, Patricia Williams has said that the laws passed after September 11 "mirror the worst excesses of some hctatorships." Andrew P. Napolitano a 59 year old former New Jersey Superior Court Judge had this to say about the U.S. law makers of the Patriot Act: "Congress recognizes no limits on its power. It doesn't care about the Constitution; it doesn't care about your inalienable rights."

Reader, this Catholic judge has admitted that the most glaring assault on American freedoms comes from a Jesuit-crafted law known as the ESA PATRIOT Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by George W. Bush on October 15, 2001, "while the rubble of 9/11 still smoldered," as someone commented. This deceptively named Patriot Act is being used against the very American citizens it was supposed to protect. Under this Dark Age monstrosity, FBI agents can serve self- written search warrants and then enter your home, your barn, search your car, etc, etc., without any prior court authorization!

Congress-with minimal floor debate in the Senate and no floor debate in the House-enacted this most Inquisitorial, popish kind of Low; and had the nerve, the 'audacity' if you please, to call it the PATRIOT Act! In 2004, this law produced two offsprings: the "Intelligence Authorization Act" and the "Intelligence Reform Act." both of which permit the execution of self-written search warrants. called a national security letter, is the ultimate constitutional farce. What Writes, Judge Napolitano, "A self-written search warrant, even one federal agents would not authorize themselves to seize whatever they wished?... Why would government agents bother going to a judge with probable cause seeking a search warrant if they can simply write their warrants on over 120,000 unsuspecting Americans since October ?... federal agents have written and executed self-written search the Bush administration and... Congress could have visited upon us." 2001. "The PATRIOT Act is the most unpatriotic of the things that Judge Napolitano added. But, interestingly, what Judge Napolitano does not seem to realise is that this is the very code under which the Roman House members were given just 30 minutes to read the 315 page bill.



Catholic Inquisition operated. He forgets, too, that the Patriot Act was drafted by a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University (for whach see Book D. Judge Napolitano is a devout Roman Catholic who studied at the Jesuit Notre Dame University (Notre Dame is French for "Our Lady" referring to Mary). In a 2008 interview with Celebrate Lake Magazine, Judge Napolitano said " we should go to our Lady, the Blessed Mother. Not a Mass should be said without reference to her. Not a war should be waged, not a prayer should be uttered, no contact should be sought without her assistance." This, reader, n qualify as a candidate for quote of the decade! It certainly left me scratching my head. Isn't it just strange how Catholics can be intellige on almost every subject other than their religion? But more of this ser Not content with the Patriot Act. Mr. Bush enacted the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which effectively ended habeas corpus-d right to an attorney when charged, and to have a court review of one's detention and arrest. Without this latter right, all other rights are ellectively undermined, as anyone can now be detained indefinitely and no one needs to know about it-they would just go missing!

Still, Mr. Bush was not done. Before leaving office he passed NSPD 51, a directive signed by Bush on May 9, 2007, that, with the stroke of a pen allows any US. President to declare martial law-for such reasons as "to restore public order-effectively transforming the US, into dictatorship. Mr. Bush even had parts of the NSPD 51 directive classified so that members of Congress are denied the right to review Next came the "Protect America Act 2007" (PAA), allowing domes wiretapping and surveillance, while reducing FISA court over Under PAA, probable cause' of being a terrorist is no longer required. Another law, The Jolm Warner Defense Authorization Act, sed by Mr. Bush on October 17, 2007, allows the U.S. President to declec a public emergency and station troops anywhere in America-with de coment of the governor or local authorities-to "suppress publ disorder. Thus, by means of a raft of post 9/11 legist the Constitutional rights of Americans have been systematically disuaald

One la alter another, all in the name of national security

Another curious set of farts is what occurred soon after 9/11: the US government, it would appear, took no ellective steps to catch the alleged

3 The university's first academic curriculum was modeled after the Jesuit Ratio Studiorum ("The Official Plan for Jesuit Education"). Interview with Anita Crane, senior editor of Celebrate Life

www.cimagazine.org/backissues/2008 janfeb 16-18judgeandrewnapolitano.pdf


September 11th-National Security Vs. Individual Freedoms... astermind behind 9/11. This is demonstrated by what happened to Bin Ladens living in the US, a few days after the 9/11 attacks, when Learjet 35 twice flew in and out of Tampa International Airport (TIA) violation of the Federal no-fly restriction. Among the passengers on at aircraft were members of the Bin Laden family."

Authorities at TIA initially denied that the flights had taken place. can Heller of the St. Petersburg Times wrote on June 9, 2004, that the White House, aviation and law enforcement officials have insisted the d never took place and have denied published reports and despread Internet speculation about its purpose." "But now, at the


of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, TIA officials ve confirmed that the flight did take place and have supplied details." Yet another lie foisted upon the American people by the officialdom. Did the FBI or CIA investigate the Bin Laden Family as part of the ackdown of financing or involvement in global terrorism before allowing them to leave the U.S.? No! At the time, the Bin Laden family lad extensive investments in the U.S., and it is not improbable that they could have secretly funnelled millions of dollars to Bin Laden's operatives inside and outside of America. Yet, every member of the Emily of the alleged master-minded behind the 9/11 plot was given aress to the America skies on a private jet, at a time when law-abiding American citizens were banned from flying! The alleged orchestrator of the attacks had his family treated as royalty, while the U.S. Government felt it necessary to caves drop on and interrogate its own citizens, despite the fact the government admits that the 9/11 attackers were all non- Americans and lived primarily outside of the U.S. Yet, the Bush gemment, in its unparalleled wisdom, saw it fit to create the "Homeland Security" Act and the Jesuit-crafted "Patriot Act."

The question is, why? Is this really a war on terror or something more sinister? Several decades ago, John Lord O'Brian, former United

Boeing 727 contracted by the Saudi embassy, departed the United On September 20, 2001, at 2:05 A.M., Ryan International Flight 441, a States from Boston, for Newfoundland. The screening of this flight was directed by an FBI agent in the Baltimore Field Office who was also a pilot: James C, interview (June 3, 2004). The flight manifest indicates other than the flight crew: 23 passengers and 3 security guards. that the flight departed the United States with 26 individuals on board them had the last name Bin Ladin: see, FBI record, "Final Draft of Most of the 23 passengers were relatives of Usama Bin Ladin: 12 of Response to October 2003 Vanity Fair Article (Bin Laden FamilyDepartures after 9/11/2001)," Sept. 24, 2003.




States Attorney General for Western New York, warned of the dangers af forfeiting Constitutionally granted freedoms for the promise-teg necessarily the guarantee-of security: "It is an understatement to emphasize that one of the principal influences which threaten the very existence of democracy is the all-pervasive craving for security at any price." "Over and over again we have been warned against the insidious and sinister invasions of civil liberty by plausible excuses...."

A state or country in which citizens and visitors can be interrogaod, interned or detained without trial, without evidence or even explanation or have their private communications intercepted, purely on the basis of some government agent's suspicion is a slippery slope towards high-tech totalitarianism-and is a mere refinement of the techniques of the papal Inquisition of the middle ages. As the Supreme Court of Canada observed in R. v. Duarte (1990), such a police state is the kind of 'democracy in which liberty will eventually have no meaning.

Reader, unless the signs are all misleading, the United States will soon no longer have a constitutional legislative branch of government in any true sense of that term, other than vestigial: for each year brings its additional level of restrictive and invasive regulations in the name of Anti-Terrorism, but in the bargain chip away at our liberties.

And when the dust finally settles, I venture to say that we will find ourselves in a world in which privacy and liberty no longer have any meaning, a world where we are a little safer, perhaps, but far less free."

As Brian Lilley wrote. ".... It is only a matter of time before some would be terrorist, pledging loyalty to al Qaida tries to bring down a plane by smuggling explosives in a body cavity. At that point, a travellers will be asked to take off their shoes, surrender their water boules, step aside for the scan and then bend over for a probing search. At that point, perhaps, the public will realise they are surrendering their rights, their dignity and getting little in the way of protection in return.

7 John Lord O'Brian, National Security and Individual Freedom (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1955), p. 7.

8 Frank Murphy and Norris Harold, Mr. Justice Murphy and the Bill of Rights (New York: Oceana Publ., Inc., 1965), p. 43, citing John L. O'Brian from a speech given at Harvard April 27, 1955.

9 The thorough pat-down as an alternative to full-body scan is no less

invasive or humiliating.

10 Brian Lilley, Ottawa Bureau Chief for radio stations Newstalk 1010 Toronto and CJAD 800 Montreal": www.mercatornet.com/articles/



5. U.S. development of space-based weapons;

6. "Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool;"

7. U.S. willingness to use muclear weapons to accomplish its goal 8. Possible conflict with China.

Reader, that was in 2000, one year before 9/11! The proposal is available, in its entirety, on the PNAC Website. Read it for yoursell

Knowing full well that the decent American people would never support their outrageous goals unless they were thoroughly traumatised first, page 52 of the proposal (PNAC) states, "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor. That's verbatim. Were these ideologs serious?

Michael Schwartz, Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University. has confirmed in his book War Without End that in 1998 the out of power Republican Party formed a policy advocacy group called "The Project for a New American Century." Professor Schwartz reveals that the group's membership included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Wolfowitz and dozens of other key individuals who would later hold key positions in the administration of George W. Bush.

Only a year before Bush, Jr. was jobbed into office, this same group of Neo-Cons, lead by Rumsfeld and Cheney, issued a policy document "Entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses, advocating what is now known as the Rumsfeldian doctrine. The document stated that in order to justify another American military invasion of Iraq they would need "some catastrophic and catalyzing event." The document goes on to s that "public approval could not be obtained WITHOUT... A NEW PEARL HARBOR." That is to say, an outrageous attack on the US, soil.

There are those who say that since members of the Bush administration could make suck policy proposals in 1998, and further since the American government actually planned to stage fake terror attacks aunst its people in 1962, what's to keep them from staging fake

1 www.newamericancentury.org

2 The document was also cited by the BBC:

3 David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/conspiracy files/6338551.stm the Bush Administration and 9/11 (Northampton, Mass.: Interlink Bks.

2004), pp. 95-96.


9/11: A New Pearl Harbor Or "outrageous conspiracy theories" Such attacks, lake or real. Indeed, some conspiracists say that the U.S. attacks in 2001 when they have even greater capability to orchestrate government had much more motivation to achieve this hidden agenda. Do these conspiracy theorists have documented proof, irrefutable proof, that the U.S. government is capable of conspiring a plot of the magnitude and evil of 9/11, against its own citizens? It would seem so. There is a document known as "Operation Northwoods," which although created long before 9/11, does show that the U.S. government had a plan to kill its own citizens for a "greater cause." This top secret document was presented to President John F. Kennedy on March 13, 1962 and was only declassified in 1997. But it took three years before the Baltimore Sun and ABC News ran stories on the document, in 2001. The document is available from dozens of reputable online sources such as the National Security Archive located at George Washington University, and is thoroughly analyzed by author James Bamford in his 2001 book Body of Secrets.

What are the contents of this document? The goal of Operation Northwoods was to get public support for an invasion of Cuba. The Joint Chiefs of Staff believed that Americans would only support a war against Cuba if it could be shown that Cuban "terrorists" had carried out a number of surprise attacks against the U.S. Isn't that how they got support for their "war on terror" and their second war against Iraq?

The 1962 Northwoods document recommended that the US. should stage fake terror attacks against American citizens. The document states: "Such a plan would enable a logical build-up of incidents to be combined with other seemingly unrelated events to camouflage the ultimate objective and create the necessary impression of Cuban rasmess and irresponsibility on a large scale." The specific recommendations made in the document included": 1. Stage mock attacks, sabotages and riots and blame it on Cuban 2. Sink an American ship at the Guantanamo Bay American military base or destroy American aircraft and blame it on Cubon


News, May 1, 2003. Archived at:

David Ruppert, "US Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba," ABC Washington University: www.gwu.edu/nsarchiv/news/20010430 pabcnews.go.com/sections/us/Daily News/jointchiefs 010501.html

ee, "Pentagon Proposed Pretext for Cuba Invasion." Archive at George http://operation-northwoods.wikiverse.org summary of the Operation Northwoods document is found at:




3. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping, and destruction of U.S. military drone aircraft by MIG-type planes would be useful as complementary actions.

4. Destroy A FAKE COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday."

5. Stage a "terror campaign," including the "real or simulated" sinking of Cuban refugees.

What do you think reader, does that not sound like the U.S. Joint hiels were plotting a "conspiracy" involving the hijacking of an aircraft? If in 1962, the higher ups in the U.S. government were prepared to lan and stage fake terror attacks against its own citizens, what is to say hey did not stage "simulated" or even 'real' attacks on 9/112

But, I hear you say, "That was fouty years ago; you couldn't possibly be suggesting that this could happen today, or did happen on 9/11?" My response to you is, "Why not?"Why not reader? Answer that.

In 2002, U.S. Today reported a bizarre coincidence that occurred on the very day of the 9/11 terror attacks: that a US. intelligence agency was set to run "an exercise" on Sept 11 at 9AM, 2001, in which a commercial aircraft would crash into one of its buildings near Washington, DC. (USA Today/AP, 8/22/02). "It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," was the excuse given by U.S. intelligence agent Art Haubold. He added: "As soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise." Sure you did. The U.S. Today article quoted above was titled "FEDERAL AGENCY PLANNED PLANE-CRASHING-INTO-BUILDING DRILL... LAST SEPT. 11." Now, that's a fact that is stranger than fiction! In light of all of the above facts, let us review what really happened on 9/11; let us separate the 'real' from the fiction-the cold, hard. unpalatable truth from the "outrageous conspiracy theories. For as Disraeli once said. "Ignorance never settles a question.

7 usatoday.com/news/nation/2002-08-22-sept-11-plane-drill_x.htm

8 As an aside, here is what might be just another "outrageous conspiracy theory" for you. Is it probable that Islamic terrorists or Islamic nations may attack Rome and the Vatican? According to Former Jordanian Minister Sheikh Ali Al-Faqir "The prophecy of the conquest of Rome remains valid, Allah willing.... Rome too will be conquered. Our prayers, our fasting, and the charity we give will be to no avail, if we doubt [what the Prophet Muhammad (said]." May 2, 2008. "We proclaim that we will conquer Rome.": www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/2410.htm; See also sermon aired on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV on March 5, 2010: www.memritv.org/clip/en/2410.htm.


"September 11-National Security vs Individual Freedoms In The New World Order!" 

Codeword Barbelon book Two 

by P.D. Stuart

Marquette University Law School is the law school of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is one of two law schools in Wisconsin and the only private law school in the state. Founded in 1892 as the Milwaukee Law Class, MULS is housed in Eckstein Hall on Marquette University's campus in downtown Milwaukee.[3][4]


Marquette University is a Catholic institution operated by the Jesuit order. The law school's mission includes a commitment to the Jesuit idea of cura personalis ("care of the entire person"), a duty to promote diversity, and a goal of encouraging its "students to become agents for positive change in society."[5]

As of the 2016-17 academic year, the school has 575 enrolled students and 98 faculty members and administrators, including 30 full-time faculty members, 10 "deans, librarians, and others who teach," and 58 part-time faculty members.[1] For the fall 2016 entering J.D. class, there were 190 enrolled students (182 full-time and 8 part-time).[1]

Wisconsin, unique among American states, allows graduates of accredited law schools within the state to be admitted to the Wisconsin state bar without taking the state's bar examination if they complete certain requirements in their law school courses and achieve a certain level of performance in those courses, a practice known as the "diploma privilege."[6]


World, the: 1. It is proper to our vocation: to go to diverse places and live in whatever part of the world and to be sent wherever the greater service of God and the help of souls can be hoped for [82, 92, 304, 308, 588, 603, 605, 626, 749]; to this purpose is directed the vow of special obedience to the supreme pontiff regarding missions, FI no. 3 [603, 605], 2 §1; consequently a complete availability, mobility, and universality are necessary, 110, 121 4°, 242 §3, 246 7°, 248, 259, 411; at the service of which is chastity, 144 §2; consequently our community is a community for dispersion, 255 §1, 312, 314 §2, 315, 317; thus also the need for communicating with different cultures of the world and for insertion into them, 99 §2, 106 §2, 110, 111, 246 2°; and for promoting that perfect and open cooperation among the members of the entire Society, of whatever province or region they may be, 396 §2. See also Cooperation, interprovincial and supraprovincial; Culture(s); Insertion 2. God is present in the world: exercising the ministry of healing and reconciliation, 246 4°; thus he is there to be sought and found, 223 §§3-4; the world, in great part afflicted with atheism and injustice and increasingly divided by diverse economic, social, and ethnic systems and by other sources of division and opposition, 59 §2, 223 §3, 246 4° 3. The world, as distinguished from religious life: is to be left behind, trampled underfoot, and renounced [30, 50, 53, 61, 66, 297]; it is to be despised because of the love for and imitation of Christ [101]; contempt for it assists in the union of minds and hearts [671]: customs which smack of the world are not to be introduced, 322.

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Thirteenth Rule. To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it, believing that between Christ our Lord, the Bridegroom, and the Church, His Bride, there is the same Spirit which governs and directs us for the salvation of our souls. Because by the same Spirit and our Lord Who gave the ten Commandments, our holy Mother the Church is directed and governed."

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola


Fourteenth Rule. Although there is much truth in the assertion that no one can save himself without being predestined and without having faith and grace; we must be very cautious in the manner of speaking and communicating with others about all these things.

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola


14We ought to act on the principle that everyone who lives under obedience should let himself be carried and directed by Divine Providence through the agency of the superior 15as if he were a lifeless body, which allows itself to be carried to any place and treated in any way; or an old man s staff, which serves at any place and for any purpose in which the one holding it in his hand wishes to employ it. 16For in this way the obedient man ought joyfully to employ himself in any task in which the superior desires to employ him in aid of the whole body of the religious order; 17and he ought to hold it certain that by so doing he conforms himself with the divine will more than by anything else he could do while following his own will and different judgment.[3]"

page 221

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is an American professional wrestling promotion. It is owned and operated by TKO Group Holdings, a majority-owned subsidiary of Endeavor Group Holdings,[10] a global integrated media and entertainment company, WWE has also branched out into fields outside of wrestling, including film, football, and various other business ventures. The company is additionally involved in licensing its intellectual property to other companies to produce video games and action figures.

The promotion was founded in 1953 as the Capitol Wrestling Corporation (CWC), a Northeastern territory of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Following a dispute, CWC left the NWA and became the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF) in April 1963. After rejoining the NWA in 1971, the WWWF was renamed the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) in 1979 before the promotion left the NWA for good in 1983. In 2002, following a legal dispute with the World Wildlife Fund, the WWF was renamed World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). In 2011, the promotion ceased branding itself as World Wrestling Entertainment and began solely branding itself with the initials WWE.[11]

Prior to September 2023, the company's majority owner was its executive chairman, third-generation wrestling promoter Vince McMahon, who retained a 38.6% ownership of the company's outstanding stock and 81.1% of the voting power. The current entity, which was originally named Titan Sports, Inc., was incorporated on February 21, 1980, in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts, but reincorporated under Delaware General Corporation Law in 1987. It acquired Capitol Wrestling Corporation Ltd., the holding company for the WWF, in 1982. Titan was renamed World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. in 1999, and then World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. in 2002. In 2023, its legal name was changed to World Wrestling Entertainment, LLC.[12]

WWE is the largest wrestling promotion in the world. Its main roster is divided into two touring brands, Raw and SmackDown. Its developmental brand, NXT, is based at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Overall, WWE programming is available in more than one billion homes worldwide in 30 languages. The company's global headquarters is located in Stamford, Connecticut,[13] with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Mumbai, Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, and Munich.[14]

As in other professional wrestling promotions, WWE shows are not true contests but entertainment-based performance theater, featuring storyline-driven, scripted, and partially choreographed matches; however, matches often include moves that can put performers at risk of injury, even death, if not performed correctly. The pre-determined aspect of professional wrestling was publicly acknowledged by WWE's then-owner Vince McMahon in 1989 in order to avoid taxes from athletic commissions. WWE markets its product as sports entertainment, acknowledging professional wrestling's roots in competitive sport and dramatic theater.

In 2023, WWE began to explore a potential sale of the company, amidst an employee misconduct scandal involving McMahon that had prompted him to step down as chairman and CEO, although he returned as executive chairman.[15] In April 2023, WWE made a deal with Endeavor Group Holdings, under which it would merge with Zuffa, the parent company of mixed martial arts promotion Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) to form TKO Group Holdings, a new public company majority-owned by Endeavor, with McMahon serving as executive chairman of the new entity, and Nick Khan becoming president. The merger was completed on September 12, 2023.[16] In 2024, McMahon, who was by now no longer the majority WWE stockholder, ended his ties with the company amid a sex trafficking scandal.[17]


Universal good: for this the entire Society was founded [258]; the Society s superior should look to the same [119]; let the assistants for provident care be strong in pursuit of this [779], 364 §2; let provincials foster this, 397; let all possess a supraprovincial and supranational spirit, 110, 111, 242 §3; its greatest foe is love of oneself [671]; it must be kept in mind: in admissions [187, 189]; in dismissals [204, 208, 212, 215, 222]; in the dismissal of the author of dissension [665]; in dispensing from a requirement of the Constitutions [425]; in communicating authority [512]; in exercising poverty [422, 558, 576, 579]; in the renunciation of goods [258]; in seeking alms [331]; in taking on the obligations of colleges or universities [325] ; in studies [354, 356, 417, 466, 508]; in the choice of ministries [608, 611, 615, 618, 622-26, 629], 258 §1; in providing our neighbors with the assistance of prayer [638, 639]; in undertaking corporal works of mercy [650]; by the general in his disposition of personnel [739]; and in his removal of superiors [736]; in the provident care the Society exercises toward the general [766, 773, 774, 778]

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


The large Latin inscription on the façade reads: Clemens XII Pont Max Anno V Christo Salvatori In Hon SS Ioan Bapt et Evang. This abbreviated inscription translates as: "The Supreme Pontiff Clement XII, in the fifth year [of his Pontificate, dedicated this building] to Christ the Savior, in honor of Saints John the Baptist and [John] the Evangelist".[5] The inscription indicates, with its full title (see below), that the archbasilica was originally dedicated to Christ the Savior and, centuries later, rededicated in honor of Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist. Christ the Savior remains its primary dedication, and its titular feast day is 6 August, the Transfiguration of Christ. As the cathedral of the pope as bishop of Rome, it ranks superior to all other churches of the Catholic Church, including Saint Peter's Basilica.


The archbasilica's Latin name is Archibasilica Sanctissimi Salvatoris ac Sancti Ioannis Baptistae et Ioannis Evangelistae ad Lateranum,[6] which in English is the Archbasilica of the Most Holy Savior and Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist at the Lateran, and in Italian Arcibasilica [Papale] del Santissimo Salvatore e Santi Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista in Laterano.[4]


Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS, since he found they had the core elements of absolute obedience and the cult of the organisation.[59][60] Hitler is said to have called Himmler "my Ignatius of Loyola".[59] As an order, the SS needed a coherent doctrine that would set it apart.[61] Himmler attempted to construct such an ideology, and deduced a "pseudo-Germanic tradition" from history.[61] Himmler dismissed the image of Christ as a Jew and rejected Christianity's basic doctrine and its institutions.[62] Starting in 1934, the SS hosted "solstice ceremonies" (Sonnenwendfeiern) to increase team spirit within their ranks.[63] In a 1936 memorandum, Himmler set forth a list of approved holidays based on pagan and political precedents meant to wean SS members from their reliance on Christian festivities.[64] In an attempt to replace Christianity and suffuse the SS with a new doctrine, SS-men were able to choose special Lebenslauffeste, substituting common Christian ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and burials. Since the ceremonies were held in small private circles, it is unknown how many SS-members opted for these kind of celebrations.[65]


From modest beginnings the SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons), became a virtual state within a state in Nazi Germany, staffed by men who perceived themselves as the “racial elite” of Nazi future.

In the Nazi state, the SS assumed leading responsibility for security, identification of ethnicity, settlement and population policy, and intelligence collection and analysis. The SS controlled the German police forces and the concentration camp system. The SS conceived and implemented plans designed to restructure the ethnic composition of eastern Europe and the occupied Soviet Union.

From 1939, the SS assumed responsibility for “solving” the so-called Jewish Question; after 1941, its leadership planned, coordinated and directed the so-called Final Solution of the Jewish Question. This “solution” was the annihilation of the European Jews, which we now refer to as the Holocaust


2 §1. The character and charism of the Society of Jesus arise from the Spiritual Exercises which our holy father Ignatius and his companions went through. Led by this experience, they formed an apostolic group rooted in charity, in which, after they had taken the vows of chastity and poverty and had been raised to the priesthood, they offered themselves as a HOLOCAUST to God,[2] so that serving as soldiers of God beneath the banner of the cross and serving the Lord alone and the Church his spouse under the Roman Pontiff, the vicar of Christ on earth,[3] they would be sent into the entire world[4] for the defense and propagation of the faith and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine. [5]

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


[666] 6. 1On the side of the superior general, what will aid toward this union of hearts are the qualities of his person [G], to be treated in Part IX [723-25], with which he will perform his office, 2which is to be for all the members a head from which the influence required for the end sought by the Society ought to descend to them all. 3It is thus from the general as head that all authority of the provincials should flow, from the provincials that of the local superiors, and from the local superiors that of the individual members. 4And from this same head, or at least by his commission and approval, should likewise come the appointing of missions. And the same should apply to communicating the graces of the Society. 5For the more the subjects are dependent upon their superiors, the better will the love, obedience, and union among them be preserved."

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms



1. See Illness, mental

2. The superior general, head of the Society [666]"

page 463

The CONstitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


"Revelation 13:18

New International Version

"18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666."


"BULL of Pope Boniface VIII promulgated November 18, 1302

For, according to the Blessed Dionysius, it is a law of the divinity that the lowest things reach the highest place by intermediaries. Then, according to the order of the universe, all things are not led back to order equally and immediately, but the lowest by the intermediary, and the inferior by the superior. Hence we must recognize the more clearly that spiritual power surpasses in dignity and in nobility any temporal power whatever, as spiritual things surpass the temporal. This we see very clearly also by the payment, benediction, and consecration of the tithes, but the acceptance of power itself and by the government even of things. For with truth as our witness, it belongs to spiritual power to establish the terrestrial power and to pass judgement if it has not been good. Thus is accomplished the prophecy of Jeremias concerning the Church and the ecclesiastical power: ‘Behold to-day I have placed you over nations, and over kingdoms‘ and the rest. Therefore, if the terrestrial power err, it will be judged by the spiritual power; but if a minor spiritual power err, it will be judged by a superior spiritual power; but if the highest power of all err, it can be judged only by God, and not by man, according to the testimony of the Apostle: ‘The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man‘ [1 Cor 2:15]. This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine, granted to Peter by a divine word and reaffirmed to him (Peter) and his successors by the One Whom Peter confessed, the Lord saying to Peter himself, ‘Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven‘ etc., [Mt 16:19]. Therefore whoever resists this power thus ordained by God, resists the ordinance of God [Rom 13:2], unless he invent like Manicheus two beginnings, which is false and judged by us heretical, since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]. Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."


[529] C. 1The entire purport of this fourth vow of obedience to the pope was and is with regard to missions; 2and this is how the bulls should be understood where they speak of this obedience in all that the sovereign pontiff may command and wherever he may send one, and so on."

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Historical Institute of the Society of Jesus: a Roman work of the entire Society, 304 §2

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Did Jesus Cox walk up to Judge Vecchiarelli wearing this sweater with a dead face on it as he sniveled to the judge that I stalk? What a stupid Judge in Lyon County 6 TPO's filed on me by the same bent out of shape Judge that is worthy of ZERO respect. 

[666] 6. 1On the side of the superior general, what will aid toward this union of hearts are the qualities of his person [G], to be treated in Part IX [723-25], with which he will perform his office, 2which is to be for all the members a head from which the influence required for the end sought by the Society ought to descend to them all. 3It is thus from the general as head that all authority of the provincials should flow, from the provincials that of the local superiors, and from the local superiors that of the individual members. 4And from this same head, or at least by his commission and approval, should likewise come the appointing of missions. And the same should apply to communicating the graces of the Society. 5For the more the subjects are dependent upon their superiors, the better will the love, obedience, and union among them be preserved."

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms 


Founded in 1957, NATC is a privately owned, independent test, evaluation, design, and engineering facility offering development and certification testing to customers worldwide. We have provided services for more than 1,000 vehicle systems and components for automotive, commercial, construction, military, and public utility applications, and we have logged more than 50 million test miles and advanced the state of the art in test procedures, data acquisition, and analysis.

Successful production of a new car, truck, bus, or component depends on teamwork to meet customer expectations. We have spent over 60 years developing partnerships with our customers. Our divisions are dedicated to providing value-added technical solutions to the worldwide transportation industry. Our substantial international experience, allows us to evaluate products intended for global markets knowledgeably and objectively. We have compiled an extensive database of worldwide operational and infrastructure conditions allowing accurate definition of user duty cycles and creation of test programs that are representative of service environments around the world.

Along with worldwide duty cycles, data acquisition, and advanced engineering analysis, we provide complete prototype fabrication capabilities for one-stop solutions from design to product verification.

Between our four locations, we have the experience to cover all your engineering and testing needs.


Nevada School of Law at Old College was the first law school established in the state of Nevada. The school, located in Reno, was founded in 1981 by former president of Gonzaga University Rev. John "Jack" P. Leary and then-Washoe County District Attorney Cal Dunlap. After its first year, the school moved from the former St. Thomas Aquinas Parochial School to its permanent home at the old Reno Gazette-Journal newspaper plant donated by the Gannett Company. The school lacked the financial means by which to gain full accreditation from the American Bar Association, and it closed its doors in August 1988.[1] At the time of its closure, the school had an 85% first-time bar passage rate among its graduates.


Marquette University Law School is the law school of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is one of two law schools in Wisconsin and the only private law school in the state. Founded in 1892 as the Milwaukee Law Class, MULS is housed in Eckstein Hall on Marquette University's campus in downtown Milwaukee.[3][4]


Marquette University Law School, MU Interchange

Marquette University is a Catholic institution operated by the Jesuit order. The law school's mission includes a commitment to the Jesuit idea of cura personalis ("care of the entire person"), a duty to promote diversity, and a goal of encouraging its "students to become agents for positive change in society."[5]

As of the 2016-17 academic year, the school has 575 enrolled students and 98 faculty members and administrators, including 30 full-time faculty members, 10 "deans, librarians, and others who teach," and 58 part-time faculty members.[1] For the fall 2016 entering J.D. class, there were 190 enrolled students (182 full-time and 8 part-time).[1]

Wisconsin, unique among American states, allows graduates of accredited law schools within the state to be admitted to the Wisconsin state bar without taking the state's bar examination if they complete certain requirements in their law school courses and achieve a certain level of performance in those courses, a practice known as the "diploma privilege."[6]


Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS, since he found they had the core elements of absolute obedience and the cult of the organisation.[59][60] Hitler is said to have called Himmler "my Ignatius of Loyola".[59] As an order, the SS needed a coherent doctrine that would set it apart.[61] Himmler attempted to construct such an ideology, and deduced a "pseudo-Germanic tradition" from history.[61] Himmler dismissed the image of Christ as a Jew and rejected Christianity's basic doctrine and its institutions.[62] Starting in 1934, the SS hosted "solstice ceremonies" (Sonnenwendfeiern) to increase team spirit within their ranks.[63] In a 1936 memorandum, Himmler set forth a list of approved holidays based on pagan and political precedents meant to wean SS members from their reliance on Christian festivities.[64] In an attempt to replace Christianity and suffuse the SS with a new doctrine, SS-men were able to choose special Lebenslauffeste, substituting common Christian ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and burials. Since the ceremonies were held in small private circles, it is unknown how many SS-members opted for these kind of celebrations.[65]


From modest beginnings the SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons), became a virtual state within a state in Nazi Germany, staffed by men who perceived themselves as the “racial elite” of Nazi future.

In the Nazi state, the SS assumed leading responsibility for security, identification of ethnicity, settlement and population policy, and intelligence collection and analysis. The SS controlled the German police forces and the concentration camp system. The SS conceived and implemented plans designed to restructure the ethnic composition of eastern Europe and the occupied Soviet Union.

From 1939, the SS assumed responsibility for “solving” the so-called Jewish Question; after 1941, its leadership planned, coordinated and directed the so-called Final Solution of the Jewish Question. This “solution” was the annihilation of the European Jews, which we now refer to as the Holocaust


2 §1. The character and charism of the Society of Jesus arise from the Spiritual Exercises which our holy father Ignatius and his companions went through. Led by this experience, they formed an apostolic group rooted in charity, in which, after they had taken the vows of chastity and poverty and had been raised to the priesthood, they offered themselves as a HOLOCAUST to God,[2] so that serving as soldiers of God beneath the banner of the cross and serving the Lord alone and the Church his spouse under the Roman Pontiff, the vicar of Christ on earth,[3] they would be sent into the entire world[4] for the defense and propagation of the faith and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine. [5]

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


[666] 6. 1On the side of the superior general, what will aid toward this union of hearts are the qualities of his person [G], to be treated in Part IX [723-25], with which he will perform his office, 2which is to be for all the members a head from which the influence required for the end sought by the Society ought to descend to them all. 3It is thus from the general as head that all authority of the provincials should flow, from the provincials that of the local superiors, and from the local superiors that of the individual members. 4And from this same head, or at least by his commission and approval, should likewise come the appointing of missions. And the same should apply to communicating the graces of the Society. 5For the more the subjects are dependent upon their superiors, the better will the love, obedience, and union among them be preserved."

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms



1. See Illness, mental

2. The superior general, head of the Society [666]"

page 463

The CONstitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


"Revelation 13:18

New International Version

"18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666."


Does Joshua Cox run his mouth to people how his grandma almost got executed by Hitler? What a chickenshit tool that has a Templar cross tattoo on the back of his head.


Jesus Cox 2024 Lonnie Lane

Jan 17, 2025


Nevada School of Law at Old College was the first law school established in the state of Nevada. The school, located in Reno, was founded in 1981 by former president of Gonzaga University Rev. John "Jack" P. Leary and then-Washoe County District Attorney Cal Dunlap. After its first year, the school moved from the former St. Thomas Aquinas Parochial School to its permanent home at the old Reno Gazette-Journal newspaper plant donated by the Gannett Company. The school lacked the financial means by which to gain full accreditation from the American Bar Association, and it closed its doors in August 1988. At the time of its closure, the school had an 85% first-time bar passage rate among its graduates.





Case No. 24 PO 00116 3G

PO REC NO 311979














Adverse Party.













Expiration: This order was issued by the Court above on July 2, 2024 and will expire on AUGUST 16, 2024 at 11:59 pm unless the Court orders otherwise.

Hearing to Extend:

There is no hearing scheduled.

The Applicant filed a verified application for a protective order. The Court has jurisdiction over this matter. See NRS 200.591, et seq. The Court finds that stalking, ggravated stalking and/or harassment has occurred. Accordingly, and good cause appearing, c is the ORDER of the Court that the following orders apply to the Adverse Party:

1. YOU ARE PROHIBITED from threatening, physically injuring, or harassing the On Applicant and/or the following persons:

Protected Parties: The following persons are protected under this order: Applicant: JULIA ANN BYSE

2. YOU ARE ORDERED to not contact the protected parties at all in any way, including but not limited to in person, by phone/text, by email, or through social media.

3. YOU ARE ORDERED to stay away from Applicant's residence located at:


DAYTON, NV 89403


C2020 Nevada Supreme Court

(Revised October 2020) Temporary Protection Order Against Stalking or Harassment


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24 PO 00116 3G


Any law enforcement officer, with or without a warrant, may arrest and take into custody the Adverse Party, when the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that (a) an Order has been issued pursuant to NRS 33.270 against the Adverse Party; (b) the Adverse Party has been served with a copy of the Order; and (c) the Adverse Party is acting or has acted in violation of the Order. This arrest may occur regardless of whether the violation occurred in the officer's presence.


Any law enforcement agency in this state may enforce a Court Order issued pursuant to NRS 33.270 without regard to the county in which the Order is issued.













July 2, 2024

Aamir Vecch



02020 Nevada Supreme Court

Temporary Protection Order Against Stalking or Harassment (Revised October 2020)

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What does the Bible say about lawlessness?

To be lawless is to be contrary to the law or to act without regard to the law. Laws are necessary in a sinful world (1 Timothy 1:9), and those who choose to act lawlessly further sin in the world. The word for “lawlessness” in the Bible is often translated “iniquity.” According to the Bible, the root of all lawlessness is rebellion.

First John 3:4 defines sin as lawlessness: “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” To commit sin is to be lawless; that is, the sinner breaks God’s law. In this way, lawlessness is a rejection of God. Satan, who models the ultimate rejection of God, will one day empower the Antichrist, called “the lawless one,” whose rise to power “will be in accordance with how Satan works” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Lawlessness is contrasted with righteousness in verses such as Romans 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:14, and Hebrews 1:9. The righteous, who have the nature of Jesus Christ, hate the deeds of lawlessness. Lot, a godly man living in Sodom, “was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard” (2 Peter 2:8). The psalmist said, “I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked” (Psalm 26:5). Christians are to be law-abiding (1 Peter 4:15).

When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). The riot in Ephesus is a good example of lawlessness in action (Acts 19). The rioters were confused and unsure even of why they were rioting (verse 32); in their lawlessness, they were ignoring proper legal channels (verse 39) and, of course, breaking the law (verse 40).

God has a purpose for establishing human government: “to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right” (1 Peter 2:14). Rulers are God’s appointees to maintain order and promote righteousness in a civil society. “Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:2). In other words, lawlessness is condemned in Scripture.

The Bible connects man’s lawlessness and rebellion against God with his need for God’s forgiveness. In Romans 4:7, Paul (quoting Psalm 32:1) says, “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (ESV). God’s righteousness is imputed to us at salvation, and God forgives us of our lawlessness: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17, quoting Jeremiah 31:34). Christ died on the cross “to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14, ESV). Our lawless deeds resulted in Christ’s death, but God’s grace overcomes our lawless hearts.

In the judgment many will stand before Christ claiming a connection with Him that exists only in their own minds. They will rehearse their good deeds done in His name, only to hear Jesus declare them to be “workers of lawlessness” whom Christ never knew (Matthew 7:23, ESV). At that time, those who practice lawlessness will be cast “into the blazing furnace,” while those who are covered by the righteousness of Christ “will shine like the sun” (Matthew 13:41–43). Christ will have the ultimate victory and will eliminate lawlessness forever.


What does the Bible say about a false witness?

Bearing false witness is mentioned many times in the Bible, exclusively as something bad. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” is the ninth of the Ten Commandments that Moses brought back with him from his encounter with God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:16). False witness, or spreading a false report, is associated with being allied with the wicked (Exodus 23:1), willing to do violence to others (Psalm 27:12), and sowing discord among brothers (Proverbs 6:19). The Bible calls bearing false witness lying (Proverbs 14:5) and compares a man who bears false witness against his neighbor to a violent weapon (Proverbs 25:18). Lies harm people.

A false witness is one who stands up and swears before others that something untrue is true, especially with the intention of hurting someone else or ruining his reputation. This happened to David (Psalm 27:12), Jesus (Matthew 26:60; Mark 14:56), and Stephen (Acts 6:13). When the wicked Queen Jezebel wished to procure a vineyard for her sulking husband, King Ahab, she employed two false witnesses. Naboth, the rightful owner of the vineyard, was seated in an honorable place on a day of fasting, but “then two scoundrels came and sat opposite him and brought charges against Naboth before the people, saying, ‘Naboth has cursed both God and the king.’ So they took him outside the city and stoned him to death” (1 Kings 21:13). What the “scoundrels” said against Naboth was absolutely untrue; they were bearing false witness with impunity and with the queen’s blessing. As a result, an innocent man was killed. When a person is righteous and his enemies can find nothing with which to blame him, bearing false witness is a common weapon.

The lies told by a false witness come from the sinful human heart—along with murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, slander, and evil thoughts (Matthew 15:19). Jesus said that man is defiled by these evil things that come from the heart. The only possible cure for an evil heart that bears false witness is to receive a new, pure heart, which can only be given by God (Ezekiel 36:26). When a person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, he will be like a fresh spring or a fruitful tree or a budding vine, bursting with good things (John 7:38; Psalm 1:1–6; John 15:4–5). The old is gone, and the new takes its place (Ephesians 4:22–24). Those who are in Christ have a new heart that speaks the truth: “Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor” (Ephesians 4:25). A person who bears false witness is controlled by the flesh rather than by the Spirit of God, and he should repent of that sin and turn to Christ.

"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to Him...a lying tongue...a false witness who breathes out lies..." (Proverbs 6:16–19).


Marquette University Law School is the law school of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is one of two law schools in Wisconsin and the only private law school in the state. Founded in 1892 as the Milwaukee Law Class, MULS is housed in Eckstein Hall on Marquette University's campus in downtown Milwaukee.[3][4]


Marquette University is a Catholic institution operated by the Jesuit order. The law school's mission includes a commitment to the Jesuit idea of cura personalis ("care of the entire person"), a duty to promote diversity, and a goal of encouraging its "students to become agents for positive change in society."[5]

As of the 2016-17 academic year, the school has 575 enrolled students and 98 faculty members and administrators, including 30 full-time faculty members, 10 "deans, librarians, and others who teach," and 58 part-time faculty members.[1] For the fall 2016 entering J.D. class, there were 190 enrolled students (182 full-time and 8 part-time).[1]

Wisconsin, unique among American states, allows graduates of accredited law schools within the state to be admitted to the Wisconsin state bar without taking the state's bar examination if they complete certain requirements in their law school courses and achieve a certain level of performance in those courses, a practice known as the "diploma privilege."[6]


World, the: 1. It is proper to our vocation: to go to diverse places and live in whatever part of the world and to be sent wherever the greater service of God and the help of souls can be hoped for [82, 92, 304, 308, 588, 603, 605, 626, 749]; to this purpose is directed the vow of special obedience to the supreme pontiff regarding missions, FI no. 3 [603, 605], 2 §1; consequently a complete availability, mobility, and universality are necessary, 110, 121 4°, 242 §3, 246 7°, 248, 259, 411; at the service of which is chastity, 144 §2; consequently our community is a community for dispersion, 255 §1, 312, 314 §2, 315, 317; thus also the need for communicating with different cultures of the world and for insertion into them, 99 §2, 106 §2, 110, 111, 246 2°; and for promoting that perfect and open cooperation among the members of the entire Society, of whatever province or region they may be, 396 §2. See also Cooperation, interprovincial and supraprovincial; Culture(s); Insertion 2. God is present in the world: exercising the ministry of healing and reconciliation, 246 4°; thus he is there to be sought and found, 223 §§3-4; the world, in great part afflicted with atheism and injustice and increasingly divided by diverse economic, social, and ethnic systems and by other sources of division and opposition, 59 §2, 223 §3, 246 4° 3. The world, as distinguished from religious life: is to be left behind, trampled underfoot, and renounced [30, 50, 53, 61, 66, 297]; it is to be despised because of the love for and imitation of Christ [101]; contempt for it assists in the union of minds and hearts [671]: customs which smack of the world are not to be introduced, 322.

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Thirteenth Rule. To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it, believing that between Christ our Lord, the Bridegroom, and the Church, His Bride, there is the same Spirit which governs and directs us for the salvation of our souls. Because by the same Spirit and our Lord Who gave the ten Commandments, our holy Mother the Church is directed and governed."

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola


Fourteenth Rule. Although there is much truth in the assertion that no one can save himself without being predestined and without having faith and grace; we must be very cautious in the manner of speaking and communicating with others about all these things.

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola


14We ought to act on the principle that everyone who lives under obedience should let himself be carried and directed by Divine Providence through the agency of the superior 15as if he were a lifeless body, which allows itself to be carried to any place and treated in any way; or an old man s staff, which serves at any place and for any purpose in which the one holding it in his hand wishes to employ it. 16For in this way the obedient man ought joyfully to employ himself in any task in which the superior desires to employ him in aid of the whole body of the religious order; 17and he ought to hold it certain that by so doing he conforms himself with the divine will more than by anything else he could do while following his own will and different judgment.[3]"

page 221

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Universal good: for this the entire Society was founded [258]; the Society s superior should look to the same [119]; let the assistants for provident care be strong in pursuit of this [779], 364 §2; let provincials foster this, 397; let all possess a supraprovincial and supranational spirit, 110, 111, 242 §3; its greatest foe is love of oneself [671]; it must be kept in mind: in admissions [187, 189]; in dismissals [204, 208, 212, 215, 222]; in the dismissal of the author of dissension [665]; in dispensing from a requirement of the Constitutions [425]; in communicating authority [512]; in exercising poverty [422, 558, 576, 579]; in the renunciation of goods [258]; in seeking alms [331]; in taking on the obligations of colleges or universities [325] ; in studies [354, 356, 417, 466, 508]; in the choice of ministries [608, 611, 615, 618, 622-26, 629], 258 §1; in providing our neighbors with the assistance of prayer [638, 639]; in undertaking corporal works of mercy [650]; by the general in his disposition of personnel [739]; and in his removal of superiors [736]; in the provident care the Society exercises toward the general [766, 773, 774, 778]

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


The large Latin inscription on the façade reads: Clemens XII Pont Max Anno V Christo Salvatori In Hon SS Ioan Bapt et Evang. This abbreviated inscription translates as: "The Supreme Pontiff Clement XII, in the fifth year [of his Pontificate, dedicated this building] to Christ the Savior, in honor of Saints John the Baptist and [John] the Evangelist".[5] The inscription indicates, with its full title (see below), that the archbasilica was originally dedicated to Christ the Savior and, centuries later, rededicated in honor of Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist. Christ the Savior remains its primary dedication, and its titular feast day is 6 August, the Transfiguration of Christ. As the cathedral of the pope as bishop of Rome, it ranks superior to all other churches of the Catholic Church, including Saint Peter's Basilica.


The archbasilica's Latin name is Archibasilica Sanctissimi Salvatoris ac Sancti Ioannis Baptistae et Ioannis Evangelistae ad Lateranum,[6] which in English is the Archbasilica of the Most Holy Savior and Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist at the Lateran, and in Italian Arcibasilica [Papale] del Santissimo Salvatore e Santi Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista in Laterano.[4]


Himmler used the Jesuits as the model for the SS, since he found they had the core elements of absolute obedience and the cult of the organisation.[59][60] Hitler is said to have called Himmler "my Ignatius of Loyola".[59] As an order, the SS needed a coherent doctrine that would set it apart.[61] Himmler attempted to construct such an ideology, and deduced a "pseudo-Germanic tradition" from history.[61] Himmler dismissed the image of Christ as a Jew and rejected Christianity's basic doctrine and its institutions.[62] Starting in 1934, the SS hosted "solstice ceremonies" (Sonnenwendfeiern) to increase team spirit within their ranks.[63] In a 1936 memorandum, Himmler set forth a list of approved holidays based on pagan and political precedents meant to wean SS members from their reliance on Christian festivities.[64] In an attempt to replace Christianity and suffuse the SS with a new doctrine, SS-men were able to choose special Lebenslauffeste, substituting common Christian ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and burials. Since the ceremonies were held in small private circles, it is unknown how many SS-members opted for these kind of celebrations.[65]


From modest beginnings the SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons), became a virtual state within a state in Nazi Germany, staffed by men who perceived themselves as the “racial elite” of Nazi future.

In the Nazi state, the SS assumed leading responsibility for security, identification of ethnicity, settlement and population policy, and intelligence collection and analysis. The SS controlled the German police forces and the concentration camp system. The SS conceived and implemented plans designed to restructure the ethnic composition of eastern Europe and the occupied Soviet Union.

From 1939, the SS assumed responsibility for “solving” the so-called Jewish Question; after 1941, its leadership planned, coordinated and directed the so-called Final Solution of the Jewish Question. This “solution” was the annihilation of the European Jews, which we now refer to as the Holocaust


2 §1. The character and charism of the Society of Jesus arise from the Spiritual Exercises which our holy father Ignatius and his companions went through. Led by this experience, they formed an apostolic group rooted in charity, in which, after they had taken the vows of chastity and poverty and had been raised to the priesthood, they offered themselves as a HOLOCAUST to God,[2] so that serving as soldiers of God beneath the banner of the cross and serving the Lord alone and the Church his spouse under the Roman Pontiff, the vicar of Christ on earth,[3] they would be sent into the entire world[4] for the defense and propagation of the faith and for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine. [5]

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


[666] 6. 1On the side of the superior general, what will aid toward this union of hearts are the qualities of his person [G], to be treated in Part IX [723-25], with which he will perform his office, 2which is to be for all the members a head from which the influence required for the end sought by the Society ought to descend to them all. 3It is thus from the general as head that all authority of the provincials should flow, from the provincials that of the local superiors, and from the local superiors that of the individual members. 4And from this same head, or at least by his commission and approval, should likewise come the appointing of missions. And the same should apply to communicating the graces of the Society. 5For the more the subjects are dependent upon their superiors, the better will the love, obedience, and union among them be preserved."

The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms



1. See Illness, mental

2. The superior general, head of the Society [666]"

page 463

The CONstitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


"Revelation 13:18

New International Version

"18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[a] That number is 666."


"BULL of Pope Boniface VIII promulgated November 18, 1302

For, according to the Blessed Dionysius, it is a law of the divinity that the lowest things reach the highest place by intermediaries. Then, according to the order of the universe, all things are not led back to order equally and immediately, but the lowest by the intermediary, and the inferior by the superior. Hence we must recognize the more clearly that spiritual power surpasses in dignity and in nobility any temporal power whatever, as spiritual things surpass the temporal. This we see very clearly also by the payment, benediction, and consecration of the tithes, but the acceptance of power itself and by the government even of things. For with truth as our witness, it belongs to spiritual power to establish the terrestrial power and to pass judgement if it has not been good. Thus is accomplished the prophecy of Jeremias concerning the Church and the ecclesiastical power: ‘Behold to-day I have placed you over nations, and over kingdoms‘ and the rest. Therefore, if the terrestrial power err, it will be judged by the spiritual power; but if a minor spiritual power err, it will be judged by a superior spiritual power; but if the highest power of all err, it can be judged only by God, and not by man, according to the testimony of the Apostle: ‘The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man‘ [1 Cor 2:15]. This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine, granted to Peter by a divine word and reaffirmed to him (Peter) and his successors by the One Whom Peter confessed, the Lord saying to Peter himself, ‘Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven‘ etc., [Mt 16:19]. Therefore whoever resists this power thus ordained by God, resists the ordinance of God [Rom 13:2], unless he invent like Manicheus two beginnings, which is false and judged by us heretical, since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1]. Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."


[529] C. 1The entire purport of this fourth vow of obedience to the pope was and is with regard to missions; 2and this is how the bulls should be understood where they speak of this obedience in all that the sovereign pontiff may command and wherever he may send one, and so on."

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms


Historical Institute of the Society of Jesus: a Roman work of the entire Society, 304 §2

The Constitutions of The Society of Jesus and Their Complimentary Norms




Cruelties committed by the Inquisition. Those who survive the first tortures are tied dom upon their backs, a large cauldron turned upside down is placed upon their naked stomachs, with a number of large dormice underneath. A fire is lighted upon the top of the cauldron, which enrages the dormice; and as they are unable to creep under the edges of the cauldron, they burrow into the entrails of the victim

OR NEARLY SIX CENTURIES, WROTE PETER DE ROSSA. "Not one of the eighty popes (from the thirteenth century to nineteenth) said a word against the diabolical machinery of the inquisition, rather they cach added their own cruel touch to the awful machinery of death. The Church of Rome, at times, even waded through the blood of Roman Catholics to get to the Protestant "heretics."


The real object of the Inquisition, it has been asserted. "was to discover errors in doctrine, to stop them from being propagated, and endeavour to enlighten and to win back those who had been perverted by the apostles of error." So says a Catholic apologist. We are even told that "the popes were obliged to employ stratagem in order to protect the penitent heretics from the merciless severity of the Inquisition." But, the fact is that the Holy See, in 1215 at the fourth Lateran Council, in the

1 Peter de Rossa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy (1988).


The Inquisition In Minute Detail...

third canon of that Council declared that "the heretics who are condemned shall be handed over to the secular arm, in order that they may receive their merited punishment," in the MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE MIDDLE AGES! Indeed, one historian, giving a detailed account of trials before the tribunals of the Inquisition, tell us that the civil punishment was only inflicted after the day of the Church's mock trial

called the Auto-da-fe ("Act of Faith").

In 1252, the pope even made a decree stipulating the exact details of how the prisoners of the Inquisition were to be tortured-including children from the age of twelve and upwards.

But for all its horrors, it was popish Spain that refined to an art the punishments Catholics invented to use against those who refused to accept their faith. In 1481, during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. the Inquisition was provided with "a new code of regulations," giving it even more formidable powers:

It was then that it got the name of The Holy Office, and was superintended by a grand inquisitor-general and a council.

When the Holy Office had a heretic, or anyone suspected of being one, lafter being arrested, its agents stripped the accused person of all he had about his person, and took a detailed inventory of his clothing and furniture.... The money so seized, whether in gold or silver, belonged by right to the tribunal, and went to defray the costs of the procedure. These formalities over, the accused...was taken to prison.

Of prisons, the Inquisition had several kinds: 1st, the common prison, in which were confined persons accused merely of ordinary misdemeanour, and who, consequently, were allowed to communicate with their families and friends; 2nd, the prison of mercy or of penitence, which was set apart for those who were to be detained only temporarily; 3rd, the intermediate prison, reserved for those who had committed some ordinary delinquency which brought them within the jurisdiction of the Holy Office; 4th, the secret prison, the inmates of which were kept in solitary confinement.

lon] the day of trial.... after a long interrogatory linterrogation). if the prisoner failed to avow his guilt, he was taken to the torture chamber, preceded by the Inquisitor and the four mystenous men in black.... Here he was again exhorted to abjure his errors, and, if these fresh entreaties were powerless to move lum, he was handed over to the torturer, who put him to the torture with one of the four agencies employed by justice-the cord, the scourge, fire, or water."

P. L. Jacob, (a Catholic) Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, (London: Chapman & Hall, 1874), pp. 435-436.



Reader, we cannot find expressions strong enough to characterise the brutish, raw violence to which the Church of Rome had recourse with a view to establishing her anti-christian 'religion. John Lothrop Modey, speaking of papal persecution in the Netherlands, says: "Upon February 16, 1568, a sentence of the Holy Office (the Inquisition) condenmed ALL the inhabitants of the Netherlands to death as heretics.... The mos concise death warrant that was ever framed. THREE MILLIONS of people, men, women and children, were sentenced to the scaffold..." Although not put into full effect, "Alva's contemporary Grotius states that 100,000 genuine martyrs suffered death in the Netherlands for conscience' sake. Gibbon declared that this number, executed in a single province and a single reign, far exceeded that of the primitive martyrs in the space of three centuries and of the Roman Empire."

More than fifty million members of the human family are estimated to have been slaughtered under the sanction of the Catholic Church (Dowling, History of Rome. Bk. 8). How could such a degraded, inhumane, barbaric system claim to be the religion of Jesus Christ? Where in the Bible does it say the life of the heretic should be taken?

In Rome today, you will find, on the outside the Lateran Church, a plaque depicting Pope Innocent VIII's 1487 order against the Christian Waldenses (Vaudois or Albigenses) in these words: "That abominable sect of malignant to be crushed like venomous snakes." Why? They would not accept the pope as their head. R. W. Thompson writes:

The Waldenses were burned; they were cast into damp and bomd dungeons; they were smothered in crowds in mountain cavems mothers and babes, and old men and women together; they were sen out into exile in the winter night, unclothed and unfed, to climb the snowy mountains; they were hurled over the rocks; their houses and lands were taken from them; their children were stolen to be indoctrinated with the religion which they abhorred. Rap individuals were sent among them to strip them of their propert persecute and exterminate them. Thousands... old men, wouse and children, WERE HUNG, QUARTERED, BROKEN UPON THE WHEEL, OR BURNED ALIVE and their property confiscated...

John Lothrop Motley, The Rise of the Dutch Republic, Vol. I (London:

John Chapman, 1856), part 3, chap. 2, p. 626.

4 W.L. Bruckman, THE GLORY OF BELGIUM (London, New York, Toronto: Hodder & Stoughton), see footnote on pp. 10-11.

5 John Dowling, History of Romanism (1871), Bk. 6, chap. 5: sect. 62. 6 R.W. Thompson, The Papacy and the Civil Power, op. cit., p. 416.


The Inquisition In Minute Detail...

In 1209 (July 22nd), Pope Innocent III caused the Waldenstan town of Beziers to be taken by assault and made a scene of terrible camage: his "crusaders gave no quarter-twenty thousand inhabitants were massacred without distinction of age or sex, and seven thousand were burnt in a church in which they had taken refuge."

In a few decades, hundreds of thousands of Waldenses dissenters were killed by the Pope's army. Two cities, of considerable size, Beziers (Braziers) and Carcasone, were destroyed; their occupants thrown from the top of high cliffs, hanged, DISEMBOWELED, PIERCED THROUGH REPEATEDLY, drowned, put out to be tom by dogs, burnt alive, and even crucified! One victim, "Paul Garnier was slowly sliced to pieces at Rora. Thomas Margueti was mutilated in an indescribable manner at Miraboco, and Susan Jaquin cut in bits at La Torre, Sara Rostagnol was slit open from the legs to the bosom, and so left to perish on the road between Eyral and Lucerna. Anne Charbonnier was impaled and carried thus on a pike, AS A STANDARD, from San Giovanni to La Torre. Daniel Rambaud, at Paesano, had his nails torn off, then his fingers chopped off, then his feet and his hands, then his arms and his legs, with each successive refusal on his part to abjure the Gospel.... In June, 1556, Barthelemi Hector, of Poitiers, was burned at Turin, for having sold copies of the Bible to the shepherds of the Alps."

Said the same author. "On Saturday, 24th April, 1655, at four o'clock in the morning, the signal for a general massacre of the Vandois was given: Sick persons and old people, men and women, were burned alive in their houses, or hacked in pieces, or mutilated in horrible ways. or flayed alive, or exposed bound and dying to the sun's noontide heat, or to ferocious animals; some were stripped naked, bound up in the form of a ball... and then rolled over precipices... Next, alter massacre and abduction, came incendiarismr. monks and priests, and other zealous propagandists, went about with lighted torches and projectiles, burning down the houses.... lal sister had seen her brother's mouth filled with gunpowder, and the head then blown to atoms...." These people, "so simple, so Christian, were made a prey to the DEMON of popery, cruel in its superstition BEYOND THE CRUELTY OF THE


TP. L. Jacob, Military and Religious Life..., op. cit., p. 430. Alex Muston (transl.), A History of the Waldenses: The Israel of the Alps

2nd edn. (London: Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 1853), p. 46.

9 Ibid., p. 138.



I shall next quote from one who was intimately acquainted with the Inquisition, Don Juan Antonio Llorente, derived from orginal documents in the archives of the Supreme Tribunal and those of the Subterranean Tribunals of the Holy Office. I quote Llorente from his Critical History of the Inquisition in Spain, cited in page 207 of History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. 1, by William H. Prescott

Don Juan Antonio Llorente is the only writer who has succeeded in completely lifting the veil from the dread mysteries of the Inquisition. It is obvious how very few could be competent to this task, since the proceed. ings of the Holy Office were shrouded in such impenetrable secrecy, that even the prisoners who were arraigned before it, as has been already stated, were kept in ignorance of their own processes. Even such of its functionaries, as have at different times pretended to give its transactions to the world, have confined themselves to an historical outline, with meagre notices of such parts of its internal discipline as might be safely disclosed to the public.

Llorente was secretary to the tribunal of Madrid from 1790 to 1792. His official station consequently afforded him every facility for an acquaint- ance with the most recondite affairs of the Inquisition; and, on its suppres sion at the close of 1808, he devoted several years to a careful investigation of the registers of the tribunals, both of the capital and the provinces, as well as of such other original documents contained within their archives, as had not hitherto been opened to the light of day.

Llorente thus speaks in his Preface:--

In order to write an exset history, it was necessary to be an Inquisitor, or Se entary of the Inquisition. In this way alone could be seen the bulls of the pope the orders of the kings, the decisions of the council of the Inquisition, the original trials and other papers of its archives. Perhaps I am the only one, who at the pre sent time can poss all of these documents. I was Secretary of the Inquisition of the Court of Madrid, in the years 1789, 1790, and 1791. I knew its establishment sofficiently to consider it vicious in its origin, constitution, and laws, in spite of the apologetic writings in its favour. I immediately devoted myself to the collection of papers, abridging the most voluminous, but copying literally all that was impert ant. My perseverance in this labour, and in that of collecting all the suppressed books and pamphlets that I could find among the depositories of former inquisitor provided me with a great sumber of interesting documents. I at last obtained the whole of the archives in 150), when the tribunal was abolished. I hope that I shall not be thought arrogant is mying, that I alone can satisfy the cariosity of th who wish to know the trae tory of the Inquisition of Spain. I merely mean, that supply in a great degree, my want of talent" I hop

In the early chapters of his work. Llorente gives a sketch of the ancient Inquisition, from its origin in 1203, down to the estab lishment of the modern tribunal by Ferdinand V. in 1481. Llo rente, with all his opportunities, was able to collect bat meagre details of the ancient Inquisition: its existence during the dark ages being unfavourable to critical inquiry.


The Inquisition In Minute Detail...

To begin to understand the scale of atrocity of the inquisitions, consider the career of Torquemada (1420-1498), Grand Inquisitor of Spain. During his 18- year term, well over 100,000 heresy cases were tried in Spain alone, of which 97.322 were imprisoned and/or lost their property, at least 90,000 were torrared (many to death) and 10.220 were burned. These are numbers so large they seem incredible, but which were given by Llorenie, the Spanish historian of the Imp sition, who was well-qualified to judge their accuracy. If we take only half of Torquemada's rate of 5975 victims per year (people imprisoned, robbed, tor tured or killed by the Church) and multiply it for the 6 major Western Christian powers (Spain, France. England, Germany, Italy, Slavic countries) over 500 years (roughly 1150-1650), we reach a figure of nearly 9,000,000 victims of the various inquisitions. This does not include groups slaughtered in Europe by crusaders, or by general decree. It also does not include those threatened, harassed, lynched or punished without trial, such as known Jews. These victims add millions more to the body count. We can easily say that Christian Inquisitions killed at least 10 million, and cruelly ruined the lives of at least 10 million more.

Sober reader, the Seventh chapter of Daniel has been precisely fulfilled in the Catholic Church: "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth... and shall devour the whole earth.... tread it down, and break it to pieces."

I quote next Grattan Guiness Romanism and the Reformation, 1881:

Stay, I will take you to the Inquisition. You shall enter its gloomy portals; you shall walk through its dark passages; you shall stand in its infernal torture-chamber; you shall hear the cries of some of its victims; you shall listen to their very words. What agonies have been suffered in these somber vaults, unseen by any human eyes save those of fiendish inquisitors! What cries have been uttered in this dismal place which has never reached the open world in which we live. Locked doors shut them in; stone walls stifled them. No sound escaped, not even that of a faint and distant moan. But now and then a victim found release; one and another have come forth from the torture-chamber pale and tremblingly, maimed and mutilated, to tell the things they experienced when in the hands of the holy inquisitors. We shall call in some of these as witnesses.

This book is Limborch's History of the Inquisition. It tells the story of its origin seven hundred years ago.... it describes its ministers and methods, its vicars, assistants, notaries, judges, and other officials. It describes the power of the inquisitors, and their manner of proceeding. It unveils their dread tribunal; opens their blood-stained records; describes their dungeons, the secret tortures they unflicted. the extreme, merciless, unmitigated tortures, and also the public... burning of heretics. What a record! What a world of tyranny and intolerable anguish compressed into that one word-the Inquisition!



Tyranny over the conscience! Men in the name of Jesus Christ stretching and straining, maiming and mangling their fellow men, to compel them to call light darkness, and darkness light. To bow down to man and worship him as God; to call the teaching of Chris beress, and the teachings of antichrist Divine! Tremendous was the power of that dread[ed] tribunal. In Spain and Portugal it completely crushed the Reformation. No secrets could be withheld from the inquisitors; hundreds of persons were often apprehended in one day, and in consequence... from their examinations under torture, thousands more were apprehended.

the inquisition [cells were filled and emptied again and ag torture-chamber was a hell. The most excruciating engines wer employed to dislocate the limbs of even tender women. Thousands were burned at the stake. The gospel was gagged and crushed....

"The place of torture," says a Spanish historian, quoted by Limborch, Page 217, "is generally an underground and very dri room.... There is a tribunal erected in it in which the inquisitor inspector, and secretary sit. When the candles are lighted, and the person to be tortured brought in, the executioner, who is waiting for him, makes an astonishing and dreadful appearance. He is covered all over with a black linen garment down to his feet and tied close to his body. His head and face are all concealed with a long black carl, only two little holes being left in it for him to see through.

All this is intended to strike the miserable wretch with greater terror in mind and body, when he sees himself going to be tortured by the hands of one who thus looks like the very devil.

Today, the infallible Church of Rome would have us to believe that such atrocities were the product of darker, less civilized times and that she has changed. But if she has changed' WHAT WAS SHE BEFORE?


For more, see Juan Antonio Llorente's Critical History of the Inquisition in Spain 189


"The Inquisition In Minute Detail: The First Holocaust" 

Codeword Barbelon book Two 

by P.D. Stuart


Webster's 1828 Dictionary


INQUISI'TION, noun s as z. [Latin inquisitio, inquiro. See Inquire.]

1. Inquiry; examination; a searching or search. Psalms 9:12.

2. Judicial inquiry; official examination; inquest.

The justices in eyre had it formerly in charge to make inquisition concerning them by a jury of the county.

3. Examination; discussion.

4. In some catholic countries, a court or tribunal established for the examination and punishment of heretics. This court was established in the twelfth century by father Dominic, who was charged by pope Innocent III. with orders to excite catholic princes and people to extirpate heretics.



International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Inquisition


in-kwi-zish'-un (darash, "to follow," "diligently inquire," "question," "search" (Deuteronomy 19:18; Psalms 9:12), baqash, "to search out," "to strive after," "inquire" (Esther 2:23)):

The term refers, as indicated by these passages, first of all to a careful and diligent inquiry necessary to ascertain the truth from witnesses in a court, but may also refer to a careful examination into circumstances or conditions without official authority.


Deuteronomy 19

1599 Geneva Bible

19 2 The franchised towns. 14 Not to remove thy neighbor’s bounds. 16 The punishment of him that beareth false witness.

1 When the Lord thy God shall root out the nations, whose land the Lord thy God giveth thee, and thou shalt possess them, and dwell in their cities, and in their houses,

2 Thou shalt separate three cities for thee, in the midst of thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.

3 Thou shalt [a]prepare thee the way, and divide the coasts of the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee to inherit, into three parts, that every [b]manslayer may flee thither.

4 ¶ This also is the cause wherefore the manslayer shall flee thither, and live: who so killeth his neighbor ignorantly, and hated him not in time passed:

5 As he that goeth unto the wood with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand striketh with the axe to cut down the tree, if the head slip from the helve, and hit his neighbor that he dieth, the same [c]shall flee unto one of the cities, and live,

6 Lest the avenger of the blood follow after the manslayer while his heart is chafed, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him, although he be not [d]worthy of death, because he hated him not in time passed.

7 Wherefore I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt appoint out three cities for thee.

8 And when the Lord thy God [e]enlargeth thy coasts (as he hath sworn unto thy fathers) and giveth thee all the land which he promised to give unto thy fathers.

9 (If thou keep all these commandments to do them, which I command thee this day: to wit, that thou love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways forever) then thou shalt add three cities more for thee besides those three,

10 That no innocent blood be shed within thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee to inherit, [f]lest blood be upon thee.

11 ¶ But if a man hate his neighbor, and lay wait for him, and rise against him, and smite any man that he die, and flee unto any of these cities,

12 Then the [g]Elders of his city shall send and fet him thence, and deliver him to the hands of the avenger of the blood, that he may die.

13 Thine [h]eye shall not spare him, but thou shalt put away the cry of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee.

14 ¶ Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor’s mark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, that thou shalt inherit in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.

15 ¶ One witness shall not rise against a man for any trespass, or for any sin, or for any fault that he offendeth in, but at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be stablished.

16 ¶ If a false witness rise up against a man to accuse him of trespass,

17 Then both the men which strive together, shall stand before the [i]Lord, even before the Priests and the Judges, which shall be in those days.

18 And the Judges shall make diligent inquisition: and if the witness be found false, and hath given false witness against his brother,

19 Then shall ye do unto him as he had thought to do unto his brother: so thou shalt take evil away forth of the midst of thee.

20 And the rest shall hear this, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such wickedness among you.

21 Therefore thine eye shall have no compassion, but life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.


Deuteronomy 19:3 Make an open and ready way.

Deuteronomy 19:3 Which killeth against his will, and bare no hatred in his heart.

Deuteronomy 19:5 That murder be not committed upon murder.

Deuteronomy 19:6 Or, cannot be judged to death.

Deuteronomy 19:8 When thou goest over Jordan to possess the whole land of Canaan.

Deuteronomy 19:10 Lest thou be punished for innocent blood.

Deuteronomy 19:12 The Magistrates.

Deuteronomy 19:13 Then whosoever pardoneth murder, offendeth against the word of God.

Deuteronomy 19:17 God’s presence is where his true ministers are assembled.


39 Bible Verses about


2 Peter 3:16 ESV 

As he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.


2 Peter 3

1599 Geneva Bible

3 1 He showeth that he writeth the same things again. 2 Because they must often be stirred up, 3 because dangers hang over their heads through certain mockers. 8 Therefore he warneth the godly that they do not after the judgment of the flesh, 12 appoint the day of the Lord, 14 but that they think it always at hand, 15 in which doctrine he showeth that Paul agreeth with him.

1 This [a]second Epistle I now write unto you, beloved, wherewith I stir up, and warn your pure minds,

2 To call to remembrance the words, which were told before of the holy Prophets, and also the commandment of us the Apostles of the Lord and Savior.

3 [b]This first understand, that there shall come in the last days, [c]mockers, which will walk after their lusts,

4 [d]And say, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the Fathers died, all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation.

5 [e]For this they willingly know not, that the heavens were of old, and the [f]earth that was of the water, and by the water, by the word of God.

6 [g]Wherefore the world that then was, perished, overflowed with the [h]water.

7 [i]But the heavens and earth, which are now, are kept by the same word in store, and reserved unto fire against the day of condemnation, and of the destruction of ungodly men.

8 [j]Dearly beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9 [k]The Lord of that promise is not slack (as some men count slackness) [l]but is patient toward us, and would have no man to perish, but would all men to come to repentance.

10 [m]But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a [n]noise, and the elements shall melt with heat, and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up.

11 [o]Seeing therefore that all these things must be dissolved, what manner persons ought ye to be in holy conversation and godliness,

12 Looking for, and [p]hasting unto the coming of that day of God, by the which the heavens being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with heat?

13 But we look for new heavens, and a new earth, according to his promise, [q]wherein dwelleth righteousness.

14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in [r]peace, without spot and blameless.

15 And suppose that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation, [s]even as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given unto him wrote to you.

16 As one that in all his Epistles speaketh of these things: [t]among the [u]which, some things are hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable, wrest, as they do also other Scriptures unto their own destruction.

17 Ye therefore beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware, lest ye be also plucked away with the error of the wicked, and fall from your own steadfastness.

18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: to him be glory both now and for evermore. Amen.


2 Peter 3:1 The remedy against those wicked enemies both of true doctrine and holiness, is to be sought for by the continual meditation of the writings of the Prophets and Apostles.

2 Peter 3:3 He voucheth the second coming of Christ against the Epicureans by name.

2 Peter 3:3 Monstrous men, who will seem wise by their contempt of God, and wicked boldness.

2 Peter 3:4 The reason which these mockers pretend because the course of nature is all one as it was from the beginning: therefore the world is from everlasting, and shall be forever.

2 Peter 3:5 He setteth against them the creation of heaven and earth by the word of God, which these men are willingly ignorant of.

2 Peter 3:5 Which appeared when the waters were gathered together into one place.

2 Peter 3:6 Secondly, he setteth against them the universal flood which was the destruction, as it were of the whole world.

2 Peter 3:6 For the waters returning into their former place this world, that is to say, this beauty of the earth which we see, and all living creatures which live upon the earth perished.

2 Peter 3:7 Thirdly, he pronounceth that it shall not be harder for God to burn heaven and earth with fire in that day which is appointed for the destruction of the wicked, (which thing he will also do) than it was for him in times past to make them with his only word and afterward to overwhelm them with water.

2 Peter 3:8 The taking away of an objection: in that he seemeth to defer this judgment a long season, in respect of us it is true, but not before God with whom there is no time either long or short.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord will surely come, because he hath promised: and that neither sooner nor later than he hath promised.

2 Peter 3:9 A reason why the latter day cometh not out of hand, because God doth patiently wait till the elect are brought to repentance, that none of them may perish.

2 Peter 3:10 A very short description of the least distinction of the world, but in such sort as nothing could be spoken more gravely.

2 Peter 3:10 With the violence as it were of a hissing storm.

2 Peter 3:11 An exhortation to purity of life, setting before us that horrible judgment of God both to bridle our wantonness, and also to comfort us, so that we be found watching and ready to meet him at his coming.

2 Peter 3:12 He requireth patience of us, yet such patience as is not slothful.

2 Peter 3:13 In which heavens.

2 Peter 3:14 That you may try to your profit, how gentle and peaceable he is.

2 Peter 3:15 Paul’s Epistles are allowed by the express testimony of Peter.

2 Peter 3:16 There be certain of these things obscure and dark, whereof the unlearned take occasion to overthrow some men that stand not fast, wrestling the testimonies of the Scripture to their own destruction. But this is the remedy against such deceit, to labor that we may daily more and more grow up and increase in the knowledge of Christ.

2 Peter 3:16 That is to say, among the which things: for he disputeth not here whether Paul’s Epistles be plain or dark, but saith, that amongst those things which Paul hath written of his Epistles, and Peter himself in these two of his own, there are some things which cannot be easily understood, and therefore are of some drawn to their own destruction: and this he saith to make us more attentive and diligent, and not remove us from the reading of holy things, for to what end should they have written vain speculations?



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